List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.???
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List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.???  

Active Member
List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.???

Hey guys,

i want to know whether there is a list of the printed parts that shows all release note and changes of the printed parts.

For example: i got the Mk3 and upgraded it to MK3S. then i ordered some new parts because one part was broke (dont want to bother anybody with that cheap part) ... on one part was a C1 and on the same new part was C3 - so its a new version. 

Is there a list for them? C1 C3 etc. with some comments about what is new or better? 


Thanks in advance


Respondido : 27/03/2020 7:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.???


Respondido : 30/03/2020 1:44 am
Eminent Member
RE: List of existing versions for the printed parts? C1 C3 B6/7 etc.???


The C.. versions are factory printed. The R.. versions can be downloaded from the Prusa site. The latest versions - also a bit better organised - are here:

Hope that helps


Respondido : 31/03/2020 3:52 pm
sebastian.r8 me gusta