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Z Axis dead  

Active Member
Z Axis dead

I put together the MK3S kit, and looked forward to starting printing.  It went thru the self calibration steps and the first layer calibration.  Then the z axis stopped working.  I checked the connectors, reset the controls, and retried calibration.  It calibrated x and y, but Z was dead.  Following other posts, I tried loosening the hex nuts, and actually disconnected the print sled to remove all load on the motors, but the z motors did not turn at all.  Help!!

Thank you!  I enjoyed putting together the kit, since it gave me ideas on how to design and incorporate fasteners in 3D prints.

Publié : 04/01/2020 11:20 pm
Noble Member
RE: Z Axis dead

Your best solution is chat with support. You may have blown the stepper driver.

Click EShop at the top, log in, then  a Chat button will be in the lower right.

Chat is pretty good. Don't bother EMailing them though.

Publié : 05/01/2020 1:24 am
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