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X axis detection impossible  

New Member
X axis detection impossible


I finished to assemble my new MK3 but I have a big problem.
The installation wizard is blocked during the "X axis detection" and after few minutes it starts moving the x axis very slowly to the left. I try moving the three axis (X/Y/Z) in the menu of the printer and they all do the same...

Here is the video :

As you can see:

- The X axis move easily by hand
- At 28 secondes we can hear that the front fan is doing a strange noise (I untight the screw and it's the same)
- At 1 minute and 6 secondes, it start doing the X axis test but nothing happen
- At 2 minutes and 30 secondes, the X axis start moving very slowly
- At the end of the vidéo, the X axis end is not detected...

Thanks for your help

Postato : 08/11/2018 11:27 am
Prominent Member
Re: X axis detection impossible

I think the screw to your X-end pulley is too tight and the pulley can not run freely.
Then loosen the two screws to extruder-idler. They should not stick out as your screws do. They should end about 1 mm inside from surface.
If the exruder-idler is to tight it will cause extrusion problems with overheated and klicking extruder motor.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Postato : 08/11/2018 5:15 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: X axis detection impossible

Thanks for your answer but my pulley is totally free, in fact my problem is that all the 3 axis do the same, it's very strange ... It's like the Rambo MotherBoard do not send the signal to the motor as it should ...
I try to move all the 3 axis with the menu and they all move like in the video ...

Postato : 08/11/2018 8:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: X axis detection impossible

Did you know that when you spin a stepper motor quickly, like you did when you slid the X axis back and forth, it makes voltage? It can be quite high and cause damage to the drivers. I see you moved it quickly enough that the LCD screen lit up. I would be concerned that you damaged the board possibly?

Postato : 09/11/2018 2:44 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: X axis detection impossible

I found how to solve my problem. I flash the firmware and everything works fine. I think that the original firmware was corrupted.

Postato : 09/11/2018 8:11 am