Stopped extruding 1/3 through print - feeder making clicking noise
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Stopped extruding 1/3 through print - feeder making clicking noise  

New Member
Stopped extruding 1/3 through print - feeder making clicking noise

Hi everyone,


I am relatively new to 3D printing I have used a few different models in the past but this is the first time I have owned one. I was able to complete a few test prints and even a single print offline. When I switched over from the default silver PLA filament to the IEMAI Silk PLA gold filament I had purchased off Amazon I unloaded/reloaded accordingly to the manual, did a full re-calibration and was able to print the Marvin test print fine. When I went to my second print with the material about 5-6 hours in to a 16 hour print the nozzle had stopped extruding filament. I attempted all of step 13.4 clogged/ jammed extruder, but was unable to get it to work and everytime I tried to load the filament I heard an odd clicking/grinding noise. I opened up the maintenance hatch on the side and found Silk PLA dust as well as metallic dust, which I presume is from the printer parts grinding shown in the images below. Short of rebuilding the entire feeder is there anyone who know what the problem might be or how to correct it? I have powered down the printer as I do not want to degrade the components.

Questa discussione è stata modificata 3 years fa da Icewolf568
Postato : 13/12/2021 8:59 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Stopped extruding 1/3 through print - feeder making clicking noise



Postato : 14/12/2021 3:10 pm