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right Z motor jamming  

New Member
right Z motor jamming

my MK3S+ turned out fine except the right Z motor gets stuck occasionally. the construction is to spec, i triple checked everything. any common problems or ideas?

Best Answer by GKMAKEIT:

I would loosen the screws holding the trapezoidal nuts just enough for them to move a little then try moving the Z again. If it works after that move the Z down as low as possible with the trapezoidal screw still loose. After it's down low tighten the trapezoidal screw and try the Z movement again.


Respondido : 19/12/2020 10:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: right Z motor jamming
Posted by: @voggeneder-net

my MK3S+ turned out fine except the right Z motor gets stuck occasionally. the construction is to spec, i triple checked everything. any common problems or ideas?

Unfortunately, the problem definition is very vague. I can only speculate that either the stepper motor is out of order, there is a loose contact on the printer board, or an obstruction (worn trapezoidal nut) is blocking the movement.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 19/12/2020 11:29 pm
vulpes me gusta
Estimable Member
RE: right Z motor jamming

I would loosen the screws holding the trapezoidal nuts just enough for them to move a little then try moving the Z again. If it works after that move the Z down as low as possible with the trapezoidal screw still loose. After it's down low tighten the trapezoidal screw and try the Z movement again.


Respondido : 20/12/2020 12:35 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: right Z motor jamming

hi @karl-herbert, @gkmakeit, sorry for the vague description and the replies none the less! what a blast to have a helpful and active community. the longer itenary of how the problem occured i had typed out  sounded way to whiny when re-reading it. so after a day spent in the mountains in all brevity:

after assembling and calibrating, the right Z motor jammed on two occasions.

initial selftest and  XYZ calibration went fine without any errors

during the brief calibration before printing the first layer calibration, the head just stopped on the front center point and told me to recalibrate Z. when i tried to do so, the Y sled jammed halfway on its way to the top likely telling the printer it had reached the end stop resulting in the head moving back down and piercing the nozzle into the print sheet.

after pulling the plug, updating the firmware, recalibrating everything i successfully printed the prusa logo .

next when moving the header through the setting menu, it suddenly jammed again on the Z axis.

the trapezoid nut loosening thing seems a good starting point, i'll try to to that and will report back! would adding a drop of lube into the nut be instrumental too?

Respondido : 21/12/2020 9:22 am