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My first print.  

Eminent Member
My first print.


I public my first try of print and failed of it. 

I hope some of you may have some comment of the structure and why it is like this.  It was hard time to get pla to stick on surfaces but with the glue it fixed that. Water and sope didn't.

Publié : 03/11/2019 1:31 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: My first print.

Did a better job the second time. After some modifications..


But still having issue that strings don't smelting togather.

Publié : 03/11/2019 4:25 pm
Trusted Member
RE: My first print.

OK, I think, there are more than 1 problem.

First problem ist adhesion and warping. Please clean with alcohol before you print.

The next problem will be the first layer Z-height. Please send a picture of your z-calibrated print

The third problem , will be belt tension... do you have a assembled printer? But one after the other ...

Publié : 03/11/2019 6:53 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: My first print.

If glue makes a PEI sheet hold PLA better, then the sheet is exceptionally dirty and soap and water - when used correctly - will help.  Alcohol generally makes a dirty bed worse because if a user is not cleaning properly then alcohol just moves more oils from your fingers to the bed.

Unfortunately, keeping the bed clean is a lesson some people have a difficult time learning.  

Your layer 1 is much too high.  You need to adjust Live-Z.  You should adjust so this produces a solid layer of plastic - no gaps or threads. It should peel off a CLEAN PEI sheet like masking tape.


Good luck.  I hear some users find sand paper effective when cleaning fails.   But here's a recipe for soap and water:


Hot Water wash: often, as needed, and after any of the following
              (not recommended for daily use on Powder Coated sheets)

  • Handle the bed only by the edges.
  • Wash the bed in hot water, use a fresh paper towel as a wash cloth, with a few drops of plain dish soap (Dawn, unscented, no anti-bacterial, etc.).
  • Rinse well in hot water - if you have very soft water, rinse a bit longer.
  • Dry the bed with a fresh paper towel.
  • Handle the bed only by the edges.
  • Place bed on printer.



Alcohol wash: every few prints as needed

  • Gloves recommended.
  • Once in a while, an alcohol rinse is helpful to remove PLA residue. It does not remove finger oils well.
  • Pour a 5 cm puddle of 91%+ alcohol in the middle of the bed, with clean hands use a fresh paper towel to scrub the bed. Wipe up all the alcohol.


Acetone wash: infrequent as needed
              (Not recommended for USE on Powder Coated sheets, but some find it necessary)

  • Pour a 2 cm puddle of acetone on the bed, scrub it around with a fresh paper towel. It will evaporate fast as you clean. This step removes PEI oxides that form over time and with heat, and improves PLA adhesion to a like new state.


Streak test: when contamination is suspected

  • With a fresh piece of paper towel, and very clean fingers, dampen the towel with 91%+ alcohol, and wipe the bed side to side moving back to front, like you're painting it with alcohol. The alcohol should be thin enough on the towel it quickly evaporates from the bed. If you see any streaks, the bed is dirty and needs a wash.





Publié : 03/11/2019 7:50 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: My first print.

Thx for the comments. Yes  clean bed is important and learning curve is long to be a professional clinging bed user 😉

I going to do more testing and hope I lvl up . Mean while I did lower Z axel from my first and second post. I probably make some more test and lower it a bit more. 

  • I send a update on this when I have the time.

Yes I have assembled printer. I think I don't want to tight it more. I can check if belt is to loose but don't think so. Can it be the way around? To right?

Publié : 04/11/2019 8:56 am
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