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Layer Pickup / Down Issues  

New Member
Layer Pickup / Down Issues

I've been having an issue with my new i3 and need some advice. I'm having an issue where my layers (usually the first but not always) gets messy on Z axis pickups. I've attached a picture of a print stopped after the first layer.

I've tried various settings such as retraction length, various bed and extruder temperatures to no avail. Somewhat frustratingly, I know I'm the problem as if I use one of the gcode files provided direct from Prusa I get great results (attached a picture as well), but if I take an STL and go through Slic3r I have the issue. Thoughts on what else I can change to smooth out the layers? Otherwise the print head ends up dragging through everything and pulling the first layer off the bed.

Napsal : 22/10/2018 7:25 pm
New Member
Re: Layer Pickup / Down Issues

I'm having similar issues. I can print the original files no problem but when I run something through PrusaControl,Silcer,or Octoprint its a crap shoot at best.. I think I got 2 things to print decent after multiple trys.

Napsal : 23/10/2018 2:22 pm