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First layer problem  

New Member
First layer problem

First of all,i would like to say that the first layer calibration seem to be more then fine, but i can really not explain this fenomen(see the pictures)

It is clear that some small areas of the first printed surface it don't stick to  the bed. Can anyoane explain me why? I also cleaned the surface as Prusa has recommanded. added by Joan...  Link to: Media File, selected in add media dialogue box 

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 5 years par Miiamin
Publié : 11/09/2019 1:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: First layer problem

your live Z value is too large a negative number

have a look at the first post, in the following thread

there is a zip file at the bottom of the first post that contains sample test square Gcode for PLA, PETG  &  ABS

and descriptions of how to adjust live Z n many of the posts

please note, if you select Link to Media file, when you add pictures

the pictures will enlarge when you click on them, making viewing easier

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 11/09/2019 4:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: First layer problem

Also - only cleaning with alcohol is often not enough.  Soap and hot water are needed to rinse away oils and other contaminants. 

Publié : 11/09/2019 4:37 pm
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