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First Layer Calibration Problem  

New Member
First Layer Calibration Problem

Hello Everyone,

I have just assembled my i3MK3/S printer yesterday, and I did all the initial calibration, I am not happy with the first layer calibration results, first it is too thin I tried to lower it up to -1.2 it looked ok but after a while later It started to catch the print onto the nozzle and created a small blob, so I am lost here as I do not have experience in this field, I really need some help to solve this issue, when I first finished the pinda calibration I realised that starting from the left side of the bed when I reached at the middle the difference between the nozzle and the layer has increased but with a slight bit, but I guess that was all got corrected with the bed calibration which went through ok, so how should I proceed to fix the first Layer of calibration ?



Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2019 12:29 pm
Noble Member
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem

You want a Z calibration print that is big enough to adjust while printing. Either circle or square.

Start here:


Veröffentlicht : 09/12/2019 7:31 pm
Active Member
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem

I have a similar problem, after updating firmware was repeating calibration of printer.  First layer cal does not extrude enough PLA to provide proper printing on bed.  I've moved PINDA up apron 1mm but still can't get adequate PLA.  I go to  0.00 on display and have only a thread ~.3mm.  I upgraded a 2.5 to mk3 but have little experience printing.  Everything worked fine with previous firmware.  Suggestions?  Thank you

Veröffentlicht : 16/04/2020 6:02 pm
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem


I built my mk3s in January and a week later the MMU2S and had a hard time getting the first layer dialed in. In large part, due to my inexperience, it took me a few weeks to finally get an adequate result. With more time and patience I am finally to the point that most of my first layer errors are from two sources:

1.- An uneven model surface to print. Using the Prusa Slicer I now verify my models by viewing the layers prior to exporting the g-codes. If there is a section that doesn't touch the bed on the screen it will not adhere at that point to the bed.

2.- Residue on the bed or nozzle.

I suspect that your nozzle is not close enough to the bed for the filament to adhere and then extrude to the bed itself. Make certain that the bed is perfectly clean if printing PLA dish soap without any oily substances works well as it is recommended. Look over the first layer instructions when the nozzle is supposed to be just above the bed and see how close it is in relation to the bed surface. Although most of the installations vary my z-axis is -0.842 providing me with practically perfect prints. Once you achieve adherence there is also a seven-point calibration routine which allows you to dial in your z-axis height even more. The file that I've attached is a dollhouse ceiling first layer. I could've adjusted a little more to get a slightly better result, but I am satisfied.

Good luck and stay safe,


Stay safe and healthy, Phil

Veröffentlicht : 17/04/2020 9:06 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem

Veröffentlicht : 18/04/2020 10:30 am
New Member
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem


My first layer test does not extruding enough material. Nozzle isn't clogged, PLA feeds fine while load filament, wizard calibration test works and then I end up with spider webs with blobs every couple inches and some built up material on the nozzle. Any advice? 



Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2020 7:24 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: First Layer Calibration Problem


Make your own topic, with pictures of your first layer and your blobs, a picture says more then words.

Also what did you try yourself to fix this problem.

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2020 7:39 pm