First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
I have a new i3 MK3S and I'm trying to adjust or calibrate the First Layer.
The nozzle needs to come down a touch closer to the build plate, as you can see from the pictures..............HOWEVER............the Z axis is at 0.000 and I can only make it negative, not positive. It needs to be something like 0.003 but how???
Can anybody help. I can adjust it more negative, but not more positive, which is what I need.
Printless in Columbus
The Pinda Probe is too high, move it down about 0.1mm
the screw pitch is 1.0mm,(Typo corrected) so if you loosen the clamp screw and press the pinda gently down, one click, then tighten the screw, you should be able to adjust 'live Z' downwards
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Live-Z calibration adjusts the nozzle below zero. The normal range most people are using depends of the PINDA height, but anywhere from -0.500 to -1.500 is reported in these forums. My printer is running -0.600 to -0.800 depending on print sheet.
Yes, increasing the number NEGATIVE is required to lower the nozzle. Adjusting Live-Z from -0.600 to -0.750 lowers the nozzle 0.150 mm.
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
First - THANKS so much. I am a newbie to the Prusa.
So....since it's too high.....then the probe has to come closer to the build plate, correct?
If I have the extruder all the way down say within the thickness of a piece of paper to the build plate, then how high off the build plate should the PINA probe be?
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Hi Akarezy
the Pinda should be the thickness of one of the Zip Ties, in the prusa kit above the build plate, when the nozzle is touching the paper!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Thanks - I saw a video on that, but I don't know how to adjust the PINDA. It has an external thread; but you can't simply turn the thread up/down because there are wires soldered to the top.
😭 😭 😭 😭
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
When new, the pinda probe holder has a plain hole in it, and you slide the pinda up and down, with the clamp screw loose,
when the screw has been tightened, the Pinda impresses a pseudo thread inside the Pinda Probe Holder, BUT, if you loosen the clamp screw, you should be able to adjust the Pinda up and down a click at a time... to achieve the same thing.
If not, you have to take the whole extruder apart, recovering the Pinda Cabling, and when it is all free, screw the Pinda up or down...
However I have never needed to do this, I have always been able to click the pinda up and down
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Hi Joan,
HHhmmmm. I appreciate the instructions. I don't quite understand them, or perhaps the holder for my PINDA is slightly different. I have a picture below. There is only 1 screw, which I have drawn an arrow to in the picture. It does not let the PINDA slide up or down, it would only let me "thread" or turn the PINDA which has threads up or down if it is loosened.
I really feel that a good design here would let the user adjust WITHOUT taking the wiring off. It's a brand new printer and this is VERY frustrating.
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Hi Alex,
the design has allowed me to move my Pinda Up and down
Take the Purple marked screw out and gently ease a flat bladed screw driver into the clamping slot to make space for the pinda to move inside the clamp!... be careful not to stress the clamp too much.
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
It probably is NOT the PINDA ... it is a simple misunderstanding of the need to make the Live-Z value NEGATIVE to lower the nozzle to make layer 1 thinner.
Normal Live-Z range is -0.500 down to -1.500 ... it is NEVER positive.
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Please help me understand this - what I was told
the more positive (or high value) the live Z value - the lower the nozzle, or the closer the nozzle gets to the build plate
the more negative (or lower value) the live Z value - the higher the nozzle, or the further away from the build plate the nozzle gets
PLEASE - is this true????
If so - then you see my problem, I need the nozzle closer to the build plate, but the live Z value is already 0.000 and so it can not get any more positive?
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Z goes from 0 to 210 mm as your model gets taller!
so it makes sense that the opposite direction is negative...
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000~~~~FIXED
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for all your help. I made the live Z adjustment a more negative value and it moved the nozzle closer to the built plate. I was able to print the test print, and it worked.
I apologize for the confusion on my part - and I do honestly GREATLY APPRECIATE your replies and help
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
The critical part of the process is that when the printer homes, Z is set to ZERO. To move the nozzle lower Live-Z needs to be less than zero, thus a negative number is used.
Said another way: Live-Z is an offset from 0.000, and [0.000+(-0.1000)] equals a Z position of -0.1000 mm which moves the nozzle closer to the bed.
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Cheers Alex,
Good to hear things are improving.
Some things about 3D printing are counter intuitive...
But you are over this particular hurdle!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
"the screw pitch is 0.1mm, " No, the screw pitch of the Pinda is 1 mm, not .1 mm.
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
Thanks Oliver, you are the first person in 4 years to notice the typo. I have edited it.
Regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: First Layer Calibration -- Need to Adjust Closer; But Z is at 0.000
If Z is at 0.000 then you have approximately -2.000 more adjustment to go, closer
When correctly adjusted, The Pinda / SuperPinda, sets the Nozzle at a safe height above the build plate, then YOU manually adjust the LIVE 'Z' down (Negative), towards the build plate, to improve the first layer. on the MK3 series printers, the Live Z Value doesn't go Positive If you need to move the nozzle further from the Build plate, then you need to move the Pinda / SuperPinda, downwards in the clamp,,,
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK