Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+
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Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+  

Sameer Halai
Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+

See Video

When I run the belt test, the x-axis works fine. I can hear it "bang" as it hits each side and goes back and forth. But when it does the y-axis, I notice two sounds 1) there's a soft periodic knocking sound for the whole time that the y-axis moves and 2) when it hits the back the motor continues on for 2-3 seconds even when the bed has stopped moving. Then I get the error: Selftest error! Please check: Axis length Axis Y

  1. The belt actually is tight, so I am not sure if tightening it further will help. It's inside the Prusa enclosure which makes it a little hard to get to the bottom of the y-axis unless I take it all out.
  2. I tried re-lubricating the axis but that didn't do anything
  3. When I go into Settings > Move Axis I am able to get it to go from +212 down to 0. But then it goes down further to -4 each time. It's always up to -4 each time. So it's almost like there's some -4 permanent slip somewhere.

I got this pre-assembled by Prusa in February.  I have only used it for 10 or so prints and it worked flawlessly. Then I didn't use it during the summer (3 months) during which it was sitting in a warm garage. And when I tried again I got spaghetti prints, so I tried running calibration and ran into this problem.

Any ideas what might be the issue?
Prusa Orignal 3D MK3S+

This topic was modified 1 year temu by Sameer Halai
Opublikowany : 03/09/2023 9:04 pm
Noble Member
RE: Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+

When the bed stops hold the gear on the motor and don't let it turn to see if it stops the error the video didn't upload 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Opublikowany : 04/09/2023 3:16 am
Illustrious Member

You are using an enclosure?

Make certain that neither the bed or the cable bundle is hitting the back of the enlosure and limiting the run.


Opublikowany : 04/09/2023 1:46 pm
Sameer Halai
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+

Thanks everyone for the suggestions. My account was locked out and I was unable to post. Here's a link to the video

Opublikowany : 14/09/2023 1:30 am
RE: Y-axis length error during belt test on a very new, previously functional MK3S+

Did you fix it? 

Opublikowany : 20/01/2024 1:49 pm