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Make your i3 more silent  

New Member
Make your i3 more silent

after the noctua fan upgrade we have another thing to make it more silent

you just need:
4 printed parts see attachment; if anyone needs an other format please just ask then I will upload if possible
8 screws fitting in the holes
4 sqash balls in double yellow dot like

have fun with upgrading your prusa

happy printing
Sebastian and Georg

Napsal : 06/06/2018 10:29 pm
TOOCH se líbí
Eminent Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

If anyone needs it, i've attached an STL version of the file. Just waiting on some squash balls now...

Napsal : 09/06/2018 4:09 pm
TOOCH se líbí
Member Moderator
Re: Make your i3 more silent

Ha, using squash balls as dampers is very clever indeed! 😀

Napsal : 09/06/2018 5:08 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

Well, i finally managed to get hold of some squash balls and tried this out. The difference is unbelievable! When I first got my MK2S, on my very first print I switched high power mode off due to the noise. Yesterday, after fitting the squash balls, I turned it back on and it's still quieter than it was in silent mode without them.

Big thanks to Sebastian and Georg for this, it really does work!

Napsal : 19/06/2018 8:57 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

How's the print quality? it's been known that a solid rigid surface is better, despite the noise. but maybe it's fine with balls. i just updated my machine to use tmc 2208s, testing stealthchop2 to see if it will skip steps. it's silent on the motor part, but the part cooling fan is noisier now. lol.

Napsal : 20/07/2018 5:20 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

Guess I forgot to post this. I'd like to add my hat in the ring.
Sorbothane 1" Hemisphere Adapter Set on MyMiniFactory
Isolate It 1" 4 pack on Amazon
It is far more expensive but absolutely works without need for paving stone back aches. Audiophiles swear by them, now so can I.
I have six in my set-up to spread more weight around but 4 should be fine.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Napsal : 21/07/2018 7:21 am
Ty se líbí
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Make your i3 more silent

we printed a lott of parts in the last weeks without any propblems.

since the 2.5 upgrade kit i just copy the file on the printer the rest is fire and forget.
every print is fine.

Napsal : 04/08/2018 8:18 am
Trusted Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

I found that with any 3d printer a large piece of granite counter top works wonders under the printer. With out anything else. Prevents the table from acting as a speaker.

Napsal : 04/08/2018 10:26 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Make your i3 more silent

I'm of the opinion the printer should be self contained. Although Sorbothane is expensive, it keeps my printer portable while being near as silent as a 40-50 lbs (20 kg) slab of masonry that is not portable for an average geek's frames.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Napsal : 05/08/2018 1:17 am
Active Member
RE: Make your i3 more silent

Here goes... going to try PLA first.

Napsal : 23/04/2020 5:59 am
Eminent Member
RE: Make your i3 more silent

I have gone the concrete slab and felt route - massive improvement for noise and vibration in my case.

Printer on shelves with felt block between shelves and where it touches wall (delibrate to steady the shelves). Concrete slab - felt between the concrete and shelf, threaded feet with felt inserts top and bottom, printer sits on top of leveling feet on the top felt insert. One picture is of prototype so printed fast without regard for finish - i can do better lol. Second is of current version - easier grip - printed without supports. I like the Sorbothane idea very much, just sharing my current tinkering.



This post was modified před 5 years by digbat


Napsal : 23/04/2020 6:45 am
Active Member
RE: Make your i3 more silent


Too small for the MK2S.... It's the exact width but too short to fit the length of the feet.

Napsal : 23/04/2020 9:06 pm
Active Member
RE: Make your i3 more silent
Posted by: @sebastian-w5

after the noctua fan upgrade we have another thing to make it more silent



you just need:
4 printed parts see attachment; if anyone needs an other format please just ask then I will upload if possible
8 screws fitting in the holes
4 sqash balls in double yellow dot like

have fun with upgrading your prusa

happy printing
Sebastian and Georg

Where can I find your STL? The one @alan gave didn't work, it's mounts are too short for my MK2S feet.

Napsal : 23/04/2020 9:07 pm