How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?
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How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?  

New Member
How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

Hi there,

I have my MK2S since 2017. It worked very fine during the first time.

Due to a large renovation after a water damage, I had to put the printer aside a few years ago, and due to some health issues, I remembered the printer only earlier this year, and placed him back onto his table.

Unfortunately, I am not able to print anymore with him, because I could not get him to print a usable first layer, or if he gets beyond this border, the print will become loose after a few layers.

So I had a look into the new announcements, and want to get an MK4 /MMO now instead.

So I wonder, if I have a chance to Upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest Prusa?

What parts would I need to do so, and is it a way I could walk, or are there some major disadvantages by doing so?

Do I have to have a working printer, to use the Upgrade Kits?


THX for your inputs!

Best Answer by 3Delight:

There is no official upgrade from the MK2S any more.  If you want to do it using only original Prusa parts you will have to buy a new complete MK4 (fully assembled or kit form) and a MMU3 when it becomes available.

To do it any other way you would need to source the information and parts to upgrade your MK2S to a MK3S+ and then buy one of the MK3.5/MK3.9/MK4 upgrade kits plus the MMU3 of course.  I suspect it would be a lot easier and cheaper in the long run to buy a new complete MK4 (fully assembled or kit form) and a MMU3 when it becomes available, as virtually all your parts would have to be replaced!

Prusa printers are only designed to be upgraded to the next model up (MK2 -> MK3) and  the MK3 upgrades sold out quite a while ago and were discontinued as we are on the MK3 -> MK4 path now.

The MK2(S) launched in early 2017, then the MK3 in late 2017. so it's been a long time now.

Napsal : 03/04/2023 10:57 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

Is really nobody here, who has an idea how to do the Upgrade!?

Napsal : 20/06/2023 2:15 pm
Moderátor Moderator

There is no official upgrade from the MK2S any more.  If you want to do it using only original Prusa parts you will have to buy a new complete MK4 (fully assembled or kit form) and a MMU3 when it becomes available.

To do it any other way you would need to source the information and parts to upgrade your MK2S to a MK3S+ and then buy one of the MK3.5/MK3.9/MK4 upgrade kits plus the MMU3 of course.  I suspect it would be a lot easier and cheaper in the long run to buy a new complete MK4 (fully assembled or kit form) and a MMU3 when it becomes available, as virtually all your parts would have to be replaced!

Prusa printers are only designed to be upgraded to the next model up (MK2 -> MK3) and  the MK3 upgrades sold out quite a while ago and were discontinued as we are on the MK3 -> MK4 path now.

The MK2(S) launched in early 2017, then the MK3 in late 2017. so it's been a long time now.

Napsal : 20/06/2023 2:28 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

I agree with 3Delight. For an upgrade you invest a lot of time and money. In addition, you should have experience in the field of prusa mechanics, electronics and firmware design.

So my recommendation is to buy a MK4 kit or assembled.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Napsal : 20/06/2023 3:24 pm
Ulli se líbí
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

OK, I was afraid of an answer like that, but I think I have to live with that...  😢 


Napsal : 20/06/2023 5:55 pm
RE: How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

so i think you can upgrade your MK2S/MMO to the latest MK4/MMO, consult the manufacturer's guidelines for specific instructions and acquire the necessary upgrade kit for a seamless transition.

Napsal : 12/01/2024 6:39 am
Anthony Nguyen
Active Member
RE: How could I upgrade my MK2S/MMO towards the newest MK4/MMO?

I am on the same boat with you, I purchased i3 MK2 in 2017 and not so long after that they released new upgrade and upgrade.  It is true that others already said it would cost a lot more to upgrade and time consuming.  So either live with it or buy a new one.  Mine is still functioning very well after a lot of maintenance and tuning.  I used to run Cura slicer because the early versions of Prusaslicer was not very good.  Now I switched over to Prusaslicer, the latest version is very good, especially, the new support type called Organic.  The main problem I think with MK2 is the PINDA height adjustment.  It has to be very precise at the right position for the printer to detect the calibration points and not too low to hit the print objects.  Your first layer problem seems to be related to adjusting the right height for PINDA and live-Z adjustment.  Make sure you have all calibrated well and adjust Z offset correctly so the filament can squeeze and stick nicely to the bed.  Also pay attention to the first layer height and flow if your don't get a good material flow.  Tuning sure takes a long time to achieve quality results but its well worth it.  Cheers!

Napsal : 21/01/2024 1:32 am