strange LCD behavior
Hello all,
I haven't found something similar with the forum search so I'll just start a new topic.
I noticed a strange LCD behavior which I want to know if it is normal or not.
When the printer is switched off but still plugged into power and I move the X-axis manually the LCD starts flashing from time to time.
It seems to get some electricity to light up the display.
The same happens with the Y-axis.
How is this possible? Is this "normal" or is there any issue I have to be aware of?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
Re: strange LCD behavior
The movement of the motor acts like a generator and feeds power back into the system. This is normal, but I would not move it around for an extended peroid of time.
Edit: This will occur on any printer, regardless of if it has a lcd screen or not.
Re: strange LCD behavior
I already though something like this.
I just wanted to be sure.
Thanks for your reply Ryan!