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Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?  

Active Member
Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

Are there any really noticable differences in performance with the new extruder design? If yes, what exactly are they?

Napsal : 12/05/2022 12:25 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

the mk2.5 S+ changes were mostly to make assembly easier...   not a real benefit for you I suspect... 

there is a new red filament sensor, and a new pinda which now uses 3 wires instead of the Mk2.5S pinda which uses 4 wires. 

the X axis belt tension retainer is less likely to crack the X axis left end printed part... 

If you are having problems with your filament sensor or pinda, it may be a worthwhile upgrade, if not keep your money for the next release... 

My Printers are still Mk3S.  Which has an equivalent upgrade path, but I see no benefit in changing to the latest release. at this time

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 13/05/2022 12:30 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

Thanks! Yes, if it's mainly easier assembly, then it isn't worth it for me. I will work with my MK2.5S until maybe a MK4 gets released. 🙂

Napsal : 16/05/2022 8:39 am
New Member
RE: Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

I'm in the process to upgrade my MK2s to MK2.5s but I'm interest on this new design. I already have the superpinda so I think there is only extruder part that need to be print. Do I need them all or I can reuse some from my mk2.5s upgrade?


Napsal : 18/05/2022 10:09 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

It would be wise to use all of the extruder parts. In one go

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 08/02/2023 6:07 pm
New Member
RE: Is the MK2.5S -> MK2.5S+ upgrade worth it?

I have use all the extruder parts except the bloc stop that need to be kept. Everything is working since few months, but I still need to swap firmware if I want to calibrate. Still dont know why

Napsal : 08/02/2023 7:13 pm