Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I have a mini+ but I think this issue might be on all Prusa printers with the recent input shaper enabled. Basically, there's ugly gaps at the seams. There seems to be other reports of the same issue but they don't have much traction:
- https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/input-shaper-mini/wobbly-texture-and-underextrusion-near-seams/
- https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/input-shaping/5-0-0-alpha2-how-to-reduce-seam-gaps/
- https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/input-shaping/mk4-is-seam-scar/
The problem exists when I use a PrusaSlicer printer profile with the input shaper enabled. I'm using PrusaSlicer 2.7.0 and firmware 5.1.0. I'm using "0.20mm STRUCTURAL" printer presets.
If I use a PrusaSlicer printer profile WITHOUT input shaper enabled, the problem is much less. Perhaps still not as good as firmware 4.x but I'm not sure about that 100%.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
Is this the right place to report it? Or would it be better on Github?
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
If you want to report an issue the github is the correct (only) place to do so. There are githubs for the slicer and also for the printers. If you think its a firmware issue then it needs to go into the Buddy one as that is what the Mini uses. The devs there will move it anyway if they think it isn't in the right repo.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
What filament are you using?
You might want to adjust the extruder tension screw. I have found that the faster speed of the input shaper requires more tension to not slip and underextrude.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
If you want to report an issue the github is the correct (only) place to do so. There are githubs for the slicer and also for the printers. If you think its a firmware issue then it needs to go into the Buddy one as that is what the Mini uses.
OK thanks. I'm just not sure if it's a printer or slicer issue, they both had to be updated to enable the Input Shaper options...
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
What filament are you using?
You might want to adjust the extruder tension screw. I have found that the faster speed of the input shaper requires more tension to not slip and underextrude.
I'm using Overture Matte. Do you mean what is described here? In PrusaSlicer I see no change in Flow or speed at the seam though...
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I created a Github issue here: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/11914
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
What filament are you using?
You might want to adjust the extruder tension screw. I have found that the faster speed of the input shaper requires more tension to not slip and underextrude.
I'm using Overture Matte. Do you mean what is described here? In PrusaSlicer I see no change in Flow or speed at the seam though...
Yes that is what I was talking about, the extruder adjustment.
I have no experience with Overture Matte.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I will add a slightly different potential issue. I live in the particular hell of almost exclusively printing 85A TPE, currently on the Mini. Just when I thought I'd found all the right hoops to jump through while patting my head, I've spent the last week iterating on narrowing down massive underextrusion which none of my known fixes cure. This happened to begin right after I upgraded to the new firmware and input shaper profiles. I assumed everything else, but to no avail. I'll next try reverting back the software/firmware and report back, but sharing now in case others have the same issue.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I got the same issue, tried tweaking the retraction and speeds without any luck. It was unfortunately so bad that I've had to downgrade the printer to be able to get reliable output from it.
I'll try adjusting the extruder tension screw, sounds plausible it could cause it if it doesn't grip the filament properly.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I got the same issue, tried tweaking the retraction and speeds without any luck. It was unfortunately so bad that I've had to downgrade the printer to be able to get reliable output from it.
I'll try adjusting the extruder tension screw, sounds plausible it could cause it if it doesn't grip the filament properly.
Which firmware are you using now?
I have the same issue on my Mini+ with the latest PrusaSlicer build, and the latest Firmware.
Using add:north PLA filament and PETG.
I almost had no visible seams when using the non-IS profiles before the upgrades.
Printer: Original Prusa Mini+
Nozzles: E3D 0.25, E3D Nozzle X 0.4 , E3D 0.4, Bondtech 0.6 CHL
Printables: Tysonsw
Mastodon: tysonsw@infosec.exchange
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
Im having the same issues, Ive been on Prusa chat no less than 3 times trying to figure this out..
At first I was having what looked like perferation from the seams not fully filling in. I dissassembled the extruder and cleaned, dissasembled the hotend and cleaned/ replaced the nozzle.. my prints are still so bad Im considering dowloading an older version of the firmware since yhere seems to be no way to turn input shaping off.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
I too, have since downgraded to the non-IS option. The speed increases in IS was not worth the headache of having 3D parts be much worse in quality than before. I have noticed substantial gaps in the perimeter walls in spite of making many adjustments to my temperature, perimeter settings, retraction settings, Z-height, making filament swaps. It's like I have a broken printer when IS is enabled...
I might be missing the main goal of this thread, but looking at your pics, I immediately think of improper linear advance settings (pressure advance for Klipper). The appearance at the seams is the dead giveaway. On my Voron 2.4 when I went to a higher volumetric flow rates (which happens with the IS profiles), I got prints that looked just like the pics in this thread. Since then I have experienced the same issue on my MK3 when I started pushing the flow rate. I agree that the presets being provided by Prusa should not have this problem, but if it is a linear advance issue you should be able to fix it calibrating the linear advance settings. The appearance at the seams is the dead giveaway.
If you decide to look at linear advance, I recommend
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
Prusa does not yet provide a linear advance calibration for the Mini, but someone did:
There are a couple remixes for PETG also.
I am going to try it and see what happens.
RE: Under-extrusion or gaps at seams with input shaper settings and 5.x firmware
Thank You! Youre right, I also initially thought it was a it was like moving to fast for it to fill in since first layers print pefect and slower. Ive been messing with retraction since I chatted with tech support but in the corners of the green and blue boxes you can see adhesion issues
When you messaged me earlier I started looking into it more and found in the prusa document where it talks about flow rate by adjusting the extrusion multiplier, (1=100% .95= 95%) so I reset all my retraction tuning 🙃 , and ive been fine tuning ..
I started a more basic retraction test to save time and material it was still having little gaps around edges so I used this to tune.
I think im at a good spot a 1.12, there is still a ever so small gap on the corner but its real small. If anyone knows how to adjust that corner speed just a teeny bit slower I think that may solve it..
Heres a pick of it with extrusion multiplier set at 1.12
For refrence this is ESun Pla+ 112⁰
Hope the pics help.
Any other tuning advice is appreatiated too.
Prusa does not yet provide a linear advance calibration for the Mini, but someone did:
There are a couple remixes for PETG also.
I am going to try it and see what happens.
For Prusament PETG, the default k factor for a .4 nozzle is 0.4. After printing the test, 0.48 looked a little better to me, so about 20% higher. I will try that. I noticed that the presets for TPU do not include pressure advance.
I used a little too much of my magic glue stick, so the filament is peeling off in a few places, but that doesn't affect the results.