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Prusa Mini+ poor print quality  

New Member
Prusa Mini+ poor print quality

While using the included PLA filament everything went all right but after switching to PETG (official Prusament) I've had a plethora of issues. After tightening the hotend and lifting it I still get this kind spills and it also causes poor print quality. Any ideas?

Postato : 28/02/2021 12:22 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality

That orange blob is filament, that came out of the upside of the heatblock? If so, you do not have the nozzle tightened against the heatbreak correctly.


Postato : 28/02/2021 2:38 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality

the filament leakage on top of heatblock clearly says that the hotend is wrongly assembled. it turned out on petg because the higher temperature requires a better assembly.

Search on prusa site or youtube for visual instructions on correct way to assembly it. It will be difficult at the beginning but once mastered your prints will be perfect.

Postato : 28/02/2021 10:37 pm
Serj hanno apprezzato
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality


I'have tightened it twice. The leaks haven't stopped.


Postato : 01/03/2021 2:34 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality


consider disassembly the whole hotend and using an M6 screw to clean the thread inside the heatblock.

when nozzle is tight You must have a gap between nozzle and heatblock, at least 0.5mm. 

untight the nozzle at high temperature then let it cool down

gently tight by hand while cool then heat it up to 280°C, then gently tight it a little bit.



Postato : 01/03/2021 5:26 pm
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality


I suspect you have debree preventing the fullign tightening.  Disassemble cna clean like Turro said above.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 02/03/2021 1:07 am
RE: Prusa Mini+ poor print quality
Posted by: @cwbullet


I suspect you have debree preventing the fullign tightening.  Disassemble cna clean like Turro said above.  

Dissassemble and clean.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 02/03/2021 1:16 am