Klipper- There is no jumper on my board
I am wanting to try out Klipper on my Prusa Mini+ but when I check the directions it says to move a jumper on the board. There isn't one in sight so what do I do?
Also, will I be able to go back to the official Prusa firmware for this printer at a later time if I decide I'm no longer interested in Klipper or it doesn't work out for me?
RE: Klipper- There is no jumper on my board
You might want to ask in Chat. I doubt that they will be able to help since you moded your control board, but it is worth and ask.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
RE: Klipper- There is no jumper on my board
Is this helpful https://help.prusa3d.com/article/flashing-custom-firmware-mini_14
RE: Klipper- There is no jumper on my board
This has already been discussed here:
To change the firmware, you need to do a small board mod. Klipper can be removed at any time and the original FW can be installed.
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