Attempting to clear clogged nozzle, during cold pull bowden tube is stuck
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Attempting to clear clogged nozzle, during cold pull bowden tube is stuck  

New Member
Attempting to clear clogged nozzle, during cold pull bowden tube is stuck

Had a failed print the other day and it has clogged my nozzle, I'm pretty sure I was able to get it to unload but now after undoing the top brass nut the tube won't come out. I've seen videos of other people pulling it out with ease so that leads me to believe I shouldn't use much force, any ideas? 

Opublikowany : 02/05/2022 9:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Attempting to clear clogged nozzle, during cold pull bowden tube is stuck

Which tube is stuck? The Bowden tube is the long tube with brass fittings on both ends. The hot end has a PTFE tube also. I consider that a replaceable wear item. The printer comes with a spare and I got a few extra in addition. If does not have to come out for a cold pull. If you remove it with a tool, it nicks it and you might as well replace it. For a cold pull, you unscrew the brass fitting on the bowden tube from the brass fitting on the hot end. If you removed the brass fitting on the hot end, you have to compress the hot end tube per the instructions at:

That site has many guides for everything you might have to do on the printer.

I'd probably replace the tube.



Opublikowany : 02/05/2022 11:25 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Attempting to clear clogged nozzle, during cold pull bowden tube is stuck

Thanks for the info! I'm quite new to printing, just got mine a couple weeks ago so I don't imagine it's time for a replacement yet. I was following this guide:

In doing so at step 3 is where I get confused, the next picture shows the lower brass fitting with no tube, however mine doesn't want to come off. It also won't load/unload so I'm starting to lean towards taking apart the hotend completely.

Opublikowany : 03/05/2022 7:22 pm