I made a Python script that logs temperature and progress data to MQTT and let's you publish G-code to your printer.
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I made a Python script that logs temperature and progress data to MQTT and let's you publish G-code to your printer.  

New Member
I made a Python script that logs temperature and progress data to MQTT and let's you publish G-code to your printer.

I've written this script to monitor my printer sensors so I can graph them in Grafana and power the printer off after some idle timeout.

There was a similar plugin available for OctoPrint, but that can't reconnect after a power cycle.

Also this one lets you send your own G-code to the printer via a MQTT message {TOPIC}/gcode.

You can install it with

pip install prusa2mqtt

And then launch it with

prusa2mqtt --help

I've only tested it under Linux where the serial port /dev/ttyACM0 persists over power cycles as long as the USB cable stays plugged in.

Let me know if it works for you under Windows or OSX.



Code is at https://github.com/vindolin/prusa2mqtt

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 3 years 2 mal von vindolin
Veröffentlicht : 23/02/2022 1:27 pm