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I made a Python script that logs temperature and progress data to MQTT and let's you publish G-code to your printer.
I've written this script to monitor my printer sensors so I can graph them in Grafana and power the printer off after some idle timeout.
There was a similar plugin available for OctoPrint, but that can't reconnect after a power cycle.
Also this one lets you send your own G-code to the printer via a MQTT message {TOPIC}/gcode.
You can install it with
pip install prusa2mqtt
And then launch it with
prusa2mqtt --help
I've only tested it under Linux where the serial port /dev/ttyACM0 persists over power cycles as long as the USB cable stays plugged in.
Let me know if it works for you under Windows or OSX.
Code is at
This topic was modified před 3 years 2 times by vindolin
Napsal : 23/02/2022 1:27 pm