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"Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error  

Strona 2 / 9
Active Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I also would be happy to hear an explanation what this process aims and does.

Opublikowany : 29/09/2023 6:38 pm
Estimable Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error


Posted by: @roberts

We need some way to control nozzle temps when cleaning.

I agree.   Maybe add some comments here:   Add wipe/probe temp



Opublikowany : 29/09/2023 7:53 pm
Active Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error
Posted by: @mete

I also would be happy to hear an explanation what this process aims and does.

What I understand until now is this process is quite naive, so the best is to start with an already clean nozzle. If the filament is just loaded, it is best to wait until temp goes down to 170C and complete the cleaning meanwhile and then start the print. If the filament was already loaded, it is best to clean after a print completed (again ~170C) so it stays clean, or to heat up to 170C first, clean, and then start the print. If I dont do this, the success rate of nozzle cleaning is quite low for me. It is a bit weird but I still prefer this to manual first layer calibrations.

Opublikowany : 30/09/2023 7:21 pm
Brian polubić
Fabrice Lebas
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error


Posted by: @mete

I also would be happy to hear an explanation what this process aims and does.

I think it is meant to remove any filament at the tip of the nozzle before the platter leveling calibration process. any remaining hot filament at this step would offset the different measure by different values.

Opublikowany : 01/10/2023 7:17 am
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

same issue here with my mk4. Some considerations:

* It started this week after the v5.0.0 upgrade I made on 20th (~2weeks later)

* I think I can nail it down to PC blend

* It disappears after 2-3 times retry

Opublikowany : 03/10/2023 10:37 am
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Update: same with a brand new heater block, silicone sock and nozzle.

Opublikowany : 07/10/2023 2:45 pm
Trusted Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Just today (October 7), I was prompted to do a configuration bundle update. After the update, I noticed that the default temp for nozzle clean with PETG went from 170F to 195F

I have an XL that has been working nicely, but my MK4 has had a ton of first layer problems. I had some filament ooze out and convince it to air print a couple of times, nozzle cleaning failure and really sketchy adhesion to the satin bed. I have an obsidxian 0.6mm nozzle installed in the MK4. 

Hoping for further improvements in firmware/slicer. 

Opublikowany : 08/10/2023 1:54 am
Active Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error


Posted by: @fabrice-lebas


Posted by: @mete

I also would be happy to hear an explanation what this process aims and does.

I think it is meant to remove any filament at the tip of the nozzle before the platter leveling calibration process. any remaining hot filament at this step would offset the different measure by different values.

I realized my expectation was not very correct. I think "to remove any filament at the tip .." is too much of an expectation, and I was having a lot of nozzle cleaning failures. Keeping the nozzle as clean as possible (not shiny, but also no major plastic residue) now gives me zero nozzle cleaning failures. I think they should have named this process better, nozzle cleaning is too ambiguous.

Opublikowany : 09/10/2023 7:12 pm
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I've just completed the upgrade from Mk3S+ to Mk3.9 and I'm also seeing this problem. FW version is 5.0.0. Having read the comments in this thread, I firstly made sure that the nozzle was clean after the previous print and started a new print from cold using PETG. The nozzle temperature increased to 195C and the nozzle cleaning process started. At the end, the process failed and the nozzle had accumulated some material (see photo).

I removed the excess material from the nozzle and started the process again, with the same result. On the third attempt, having again removed the excess, I reduced the nozzle temperature to 180C. However, even though the controller reported that the nozzle cleaning had failed, it didn't attempt another cleaning cycle, but continued to start the print, which was successful with a near perfect first layer.

So, I'm not sure what to conclude from that. It looks as though at 195C the nozzle oozes filament during the cleaning process and that builds up around the nozzle. I can see that reducing the nozzle temperature might cure that, but if it's not already clean, won't the filament be too hard to clear away? Maybe the temperature should be higher? I'll give that a try on the next run.

Notwithstanding, the controller appears either to give up on the nozzle cleaning after a couple of cycles, or the display shows a spurious failure message. Difficult to tell without understanding the intent of this process.

Can Prusa comment, please? 

Opublikowany : 10/10/2023 10:15 pm
Eminent Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Little observation:

MK4, enclosure, v5.0.0 FW

PETG before the nozzle cleaning operation is oozing really bad from the nozzle. Think about a 6cm long thread and growing. In my case it takes about 3 attempts but I've never had errors.

PCBlend does the same as PETG in term of oozing but, for whatever reason, the test fails 50% of the time if I don't manually clean the nozzle with a brush. If I clean the nozzle, 100% success rate.

PLA doesn't ooze at all in my config and passes the nozzle cleaning at the first attempt.

Something in the temp settings seems to be a little off...

Opublikowany : 11/10/2023 10:22 am
RISPONDI: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Hope not necroposting. But I've the same issue today. I've the error after leaving the printer off for a day after a PETG print, loaded, and I have to unload and load the filament to make it works. After that I've no particular issues. Maybe PETG is too moist after a day out of the drier box.  

Firmware 5 with IS. I use default IS 0.2 structural profile and sunlu orange PETG.

Opublikowany : 14/10/2023 9:32 am
Trusted Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Hmmm. After 3 month of almost continuous 😊 printing. This morning,when I started the printer and started a new print. It gave me the nozzle cleaning too. New filament, new nozzle, different heatblock. Nothing helped. ??  I‘m I have no idea what changed overnight ??? While the printer is off.

observed that, printing with petg, nozzle cleaning Temperatur is at 170 and the filament is not soft while cleaning.

every single print before it just took 2 or 3 taps.  Just at this monument it succeeded, but now I have spots from bedleveling on the plate. Never had that before.

very strange 

Opublikowany : 18/10/2023 10:27 am
Active Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error


I only print in PETG and PC-blend. The latter gives the error almost always while the former almost never. Empirically I determined that preheating to the filament spec alleviates the problem.

My printer was already repaired under warranty but Prusa never acknowledged nozzle cleaning to be a problem.



Opublikowany : 18/10/2023 10:36 am
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I just started having this problem when I loaded petg.  I tuned my nozzle temp up to 210 before the cleaning cycle and it seems to help it pass.  It didn't lay down any cleaning dots on the plate like when printing pla, but it also passed.  2/2 so far.   

Opublikowany : 19/10/2023 4:26 am
Trusted Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I have the same problem with my MK3.9 and tried a bunch of different things.   For me it seems largely isolated to one side of an older Textured Sheet and is specific to where the firmaware is probing for nozzle cleaning.

Like you all unloading and loading filament = success.  However for me using the other side of the textured sheet (less tear-out in the purge area), or using my smooth sheet also work well (>95% success on first try).  For me moving the "bad side" of the textured sheet forward 10 mm so that the Cleaning Routine is performed 10 mm further into the sheet also works well. 

I have some other theories that I want to test.  One is that the unloading and loading process heats the hotend to a higher melt temp, then cools it so that the cleaning routine is more likley to detach any crap. 

I've also asked support to request an enhancement to firmware to be able to set the Nozzle Cleaning Location: "Left", "Middle", or "Right" to enable longer use of older sheets (Sustainability). 

Here's my thread in the MK3.9 forum:

Opublikowany : 20/10/2023 3:56 pm
Estimable Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I had this problem with my MK4 printing PETG.  I found that the filament ooze from the nozzle was causing the nozzle cleaning to fail.  I turned to nozzle temp down to 180 for the cleaning, the nozzle didn't ooze filament, and the cleaning passed.  The print came out fine.  I have printed 10's of prints doing this, and everything works as it should.  Never had a nozzle cleaning fail error.  Prusa needs to fix this in the firmware.

Senior Life member of IEEE.

Opublikowany : 24/10/2023 8:00 pm
Eminent Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

Prusa needs to fix this in the firmware.

Good advice. You should mail them of add the feature request to their Github.

Imho we cannot expect the Prusa team to read all of the forum content.

Opublikowany : 24/10/2023 8:08 pm
Simon Tratter polubić
Eminent Member

PETG is super prone to oozing, much more so than PLA but this is the manual process that has worked for me, you could potentially turn this all into custom preprint GCODE if you wanted to:

  1. Move nozzle up a little, say 10 cm and move it to the front of the plate closest to you so it's easy to access.
  2. Preheat nozzle to PETG temp, let's say 240 C
  3. Let all the plastic closest to the nozzle ooze out in one long string, let's say 2-3 minutes or until it's really not moving at all anymore because it's exhausted the plastic near the nozzle tip that would have been prone to oozing even at 180-185 C during the normal nozzle clean and probing phase.
  4. Remove your multi centimeter solid ooze and if needed gently brush your nozzle with a brass brush
  5. Reduce back down to the normal preprint idle temp (180 or 185C)
  6. You're done, you can now safely go about your print and since the immediate nozzle tip is "emptied" it shouldn't ooze but will still be perfectly fine to print since the main purge line right before print will "refill" the nozzle.

Annoying and manual I get it, but it could reasonably be integrated into the preprint GCODE since everything your printer does is all in your code, few routines are hard coded into the firmware, it's really interesting to look at your GCODE or the prusa slicer gcode pre and post blocks.

Opublikowany : 24/10/2023 8:21 pm
Eminent Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

I added the custom gcode to retract the filament a good distance before the nozzle cleaning and leveling routine.  That fixed dirty nozzles for me when printing PLA and PETG, but when printing ABS I still got a good deal of ooze, and the cleaning failure error.  The nozzle just kept oozing.  Took a few tries to get past the error.

I'll try a slightly lower preprint temperature for ABS and see if that improves things.

Opublikowany : 24/10/2023 9:00 pm
Trusted Member
RE: "Nozzle Cleaning Failed." Error

An update from more testing and the thread in the 3.9 forum.

It looks like the 5.1.0-Alpha2 firmware does make it better, and fixes it for some people.
If that still doesn't fix it for you, then the Start G-Code fixes it for other people. 

To me it looks like there are a few issues here depending on whether your sheet is old (my boat), or if it's nozzle oozing.  
For me turning the temp down to 180 did not help (made it worse).  My thought is that if you find unloading then reloading the filament solves the issue for you, then you are more likley in the Start Gcode Camp.  If unloading and re-loading does fix it for you, then you are hopefully in the Firmware camp.

YMMV, please try the fixes and give feedback.


Opublikowany : 24/10/2023 9:13 pm
Strona 2 / 9