RE: Filament changing bug?
This is extremely frustrating - ok I get it I probably have some issue with my sensor that needs fixing - but to not have an override on this is just poor design.
The machine thinks it has filament stuck in it, but it doesn't. But I can't finish a filament change because of this and it results in having to throw out my whole print.
I'll try the power plug hack but please Prusa add a manual override!
RE: Filament changing bug?
is this the same
I have a mk3s and a new MK4 and my issue is that each time I go to print a new SLT after the calibration and after the pre line in the top left is done. the printer slides over and stops and asks for a filament change after I unload and reload it prints the entire job without a hitch. this happens each and every time.
RE: Filament changing bug?
I am very disappointed! On my second print on a new MK4s, using the Prusa samples. First filament runout after having passed calibration. Frustrated that this is no reasonable workaround?
RE: Filament changing bug?
The only workaround I currently know is to turn off the filament sensor.
RE: Filament changing bug?
the problem is here for a year. Is Prusa so incompetnet so they are unable to fix it ?
RE: Filament changing bug?
I can confirm this problem still exists. EXACTLY like all of you said, when color-changing filament mid print, it gets stuck on the "remove filament" screen, even after no filament is inside anymore. Failed several prints because of this, this is very frustrating. Anybody has an update on this?