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MK4 Z-motors getting warm  

Eminent Member
MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Not a big issue, but I'm wondering why the Z-motors are getting much warmer than the other motors (which having more or less room temperature). For me ist seems that the idle-current is set hoo high in the firmware, I would expect a higher temperature on the XY motors.

Can someone confirm the higher temperatture?

Opublikowany : 30/05/2024 11:10 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Answering myself: the Z-Motors are not released in standby-mode, whereas all others are released.

So the next question: is this normal ? There is a menu option: "switch off motors" but doesn't affect the Z-motors.

Opublikowany : 30/05/2024 11:24 am
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Curious as well - I definitely noticed this and was a bit bummed.  My previous MK3S+ definitely did not do this.  I've put the printer on a switchable outlet now so I can control it, but I'd really rather just leave it on like I did before.  Seems to pull about 11w at idle now (presumably as the Z-motors are still on) - don't recall what the MK3S+ was but it was a lot lower...

I spose we should submit support tix - "is this a bug or a feature?" 🙂


Opublikowany : 30/05/2024 10:57 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Thank you for the info about the 11 (wasted?)Watts. Yes, I'll contact the support and let you know what statement I'll get.

Opublikowany : 31/05/2024 9:18 pm
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Looking forward to hearing what they have to say!


Opublikowany : 04/06/2024 11:05 pm
Active Member
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

+1 !

It's waste of energy but may also have negative effect on the life expectancy of the Delta PSU and the Z-motors.

Obviously z-axis holds it position when Z-motors are really off, so why keep them powered? 

Opublikowany : 05/06/2024 5:32 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Z motors on, is design intent, to reduce the chances of Z droop whilst you are working on the Printer...
it was active on my mk1, years ago... and remains so.
regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 05/06/2024 6:00 am
Active Member
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

Hi @joantabb

okay, I got your point, this explains, why z-motors are not switched off automatically.

Nevertheless, when there is a menu option: "switch off motors", I would expect the machine to do so.  Of course, in this case, the printer first has to verify z-position, same as if it was power cycled, before going back into operation.

Opublikowany : 05/06/2024 1:29 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: MK4 Z-motors getting warm

That only switches off XY And E motors

Regards joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 06/06/2024 11:18 am