Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)
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Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)  

Trusted Member
Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)

I'm having a Y-axis shift issues.  I have checked the belt tension at least 10 times using the pluck the belt method, have ensured the grub screws are tight on the Y-axis motor, also ensured there is nothing interfering with the belt or the pulley on the opposite side from the motor.  

The shifting hasn't happened on prints less the 30mm tall but consistently happens on taller prints.  The height where the shift occurs is not consistent and the amount of shift also varies.  The photo below is of one of the larger shifts.

I'm running 5.1.0 firmware and slicing with Prusa Slicer 2.7.0 and using bgcode. Any ideas what might be causing this?

Posted : 30/11/2023 2:06 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)

Interesting, it’s happened to me once (11.5hr print) I thought it was maybe because it was printing overnight in a cold environment (in my garage but in a prusa enclosure)

Posted : 30/11/2023 2:52 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)

Interesting.  This printer is inside.  I'm going to roll back to the earlier firmware version and use code and see if that helps.  

Posted : 30/11/2023 3:07 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)

Actually now you mention it, this was sliced prior to the new firmware but printed after I updated from 5.0. I may try to resolve the file before I print again - see if this removes any variables

Posted : 30/11/2023 3:13 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

The firmware version doesn’t seem to be the problem.  Printer was downgraded to 5.0 and it happened again but this time it failed while I was watching the print.  It was printing fine when suddenly the print bed slammed backwards causing the y-axis drive to jump the belt.  It has to be something in the gcode.  The default gcode flavor is Merlin2. Is that correct?

This post was modified 7 months ago by Altruego
Posted : 01/12/2023 3:47 am
Trusted Member

Have you tried a different thumb drive?

I’ve no idea about the type of code etc I’m afraid - first time I’ve heard the phrase merlin2 was in your post - sorry

This post was modified 7 months ago by ChiefSmeg
Posted : 01/12/2023 7:10 am
Trusted Member
RE: Y-axis shift driving me nuts (it's a short drive)

Here was my 11 hours in to a 12 hour print slip

Posted : 03/12/2023 11:37 pm