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Stl file  

Active Member
Stl file

Hello everyone, i need your support to prepare .stl files before sclicing. I would like to print a gear, See attachment. Prusaslicer isn't capable to detect inner and outer contours of the .stl file correctly. 

How can i print thigs part? Has someone an idea?

Best regards...

Respondido : 21/07/2020 8:34 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

Respondido : 21/07/2020 8:35 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stl file

It would help if you actually attached the stl file you are trying to print.  The forum only accepts certain file formats, stl or 3mf not being on the list unfortunately.  a ZIP archive is though, so zip up your stl and use the attach file button to select it.

If your screen grab is any indication that looks like an outline without being a solid body.  In which case you need to learn about making a manifold model in your design software.  Posting the stl will tell us more.

Respondido : 21/07/2020 8:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

ant_stl (3)

Respondido : 21/07/2020 9:12 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

Hope you can unzip the file. The zip file has more than one gear....

Respondido : 21/07/2020 9:13 am
Clemens M.
Noble Member
RE: Stl file

Unzipping is no problem. Your STL files do not represent solids - they look more like surfaces.
What 3D-CAD software are you using?

Best regards, Clemens

Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)

Respondido : 21/07/2020 9:21 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

Thats an export from a 3rd Party Software. You can Develop gears and export stl. Files...

Respondido : 21/07/2020 9:40 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stl file

Yes the archive opened fine.  Unfortunately not a single one of the 8 stl files is manifold so is not suitable to be sliced for 3d printing.  For quick initial checks of stl files I use a free tool called 3d-tool which is available for windows.  It shows that they are just outlines extruded into a 3 dimensional space.  They dont have top or bottom surfaces connecting them.

A 3d model has to be manifold for 3d printing.  It basically needs to be a solid 'watertight' shape.  

Prusa Slicer when run on Windows 10 has a send to Netfabb function (right click the stl to access the menu).  If not on windows 10 then you can use the netfabb online service to do the same job.  This can repair a lot of broken models.  However it cant fix these as they just aren't correct.

You need to work out how to make whatever software you are using to design them generate a valid stl file for 3d printing.

I took one of your stl files into Blender, your original is on the left, a manifold correct solid version is on the right.  You see the difference I hope.

Respondido : 21/07/2020 9:55 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

Thanks for your explanation. I chose netfabb to repair my files in the past, without success. I will try blender to get a correct solid...thanks!

Respondido : 21/07/2020 8:16 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Stl file

Hi, do you a short tutorial to build a manifold solid in b 3d? I am not familiar with blender...

Best regards!

Respondido : 22/07/2020 11:07 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stl file

There are thousands of Blender tutorials on youtube and via google search.  I am not familiar with any easy way of doing gears.  Though there are probably add on available as it can do almost anything if you know how to make it jump.  Thats one of its difficulties, it has a large learning curve.

You would probably be better off looking into what settings you need to change in whatever you used to generate your gears originally.  Then check that programs output in something designed to check stl files like 3d-tool or blender.

What did you use to create them as Clemens asked ?  If you tell us what you used someone may be familiar with it and be able to advise you on if certain settings need to be set.

What I did in blender was to separate out the inner axle hole as a separate part leaving just the exterior outline.  I could then make that a solid.  I then made the axle hole a solid too by filling in the ends.  Finally I used a boolean difference to cut the axle cylinder out of the gear solid.  Then I exported it as a stl.  

Respondido : 22/07/2020 11:23 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Stl file


There is some free CAD software on the market. You may find something suitable in the following posted list: https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/deutsches-forum-allgemeine-diskussion-ankuendigungen-und-veroeffentlichungen/kostenlose-modellierungssoftware/

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 22/07/2020 6:51 pm
seo selfcad
RE: Stl file

Hi There, 

Thank you for your question about snapping objects to surfaces in SelfCAD. I'd be happy to help!

To snap an object to a surface in SelfCAD, you can follow these steps:

Select the object you want to snap and the target surface within your 3D model.

Utilize the snapping tools available in SelfCAD, such as vertex snapping, edge snapping, or face snapping. These tools allow you to precisely align the object with the surface.

Position the object near the target surface, and as you move it closer, you'll notice it will automatically snap into place once it gets close enough to the surface.

After the object is snapped to the surface, you can make further adjustments to its position, rotation, and scale as needed.

It's worth noting that SelfCAD offers various snapping options and constraints to assist in accurate object placement. You can explore additional features like snap constraints and advanced techniques for complex scenarios to further enhance your workflow.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask.

For more information watch tutorial -


Best regards, 

Respondido : 24/05/2023 12:13 am
Reputable Member
RE: Stl file

FreeCAD has a gear workbench.  Works on Linux and Windows.  Can create meshes and in some cases repair them.  Many other tools as well.

FreeCAD FCGear Workbench

There is a FreeCAD group on Printables.  Printables FreeCAD group


Respondido : 27/05/2023 5:05 am