Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com
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Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com  

New Member
Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

Thingiverse has this - where you can tag your model as parametric (OpenSCAD or others), and when searching, filter only 'customisable' or parametric models.

At the moment, you can only search for 'parametric' and pray that this word was put in the text of the model.

Thanks for listening!


For bonus points - automatically tag something as parametric if it contains a .scad file!

Napsal : 29/09/2022 7:57 am
RE: Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

You could also send a message to the company.  


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 29/09/2022 10:06 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

Thanks - I will -  do they not monitor the forum for feedback?

Napsal : 29/09/2022 10:20 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

For bonus points - automatically tag something as parametric if it contains a .scad file!

Probably overkill; it's perfectly possible to write OpenSCAD code that's impenetrable, obfuscated and contains undocumented constants ... good luck customising that.

Truly parametric scripts require a relatively high level of documentation and a certain discipline in coding and testing.  Regrettably Printables is set up for quantity over quality and I doubt Prusa would instigate any method of validating the tag so it might have little more meaning than the current mentions in text.

Just supplying OpenSCAD and similar code doesn't mean that users will be able to handle it.  There are plenty who have no concept of the compilation process so you can expect a stream of 'how do I use this?' questions.  From time to time I have provided simple scripts here in answer to queries, rarely these days, as several have gone clear over the heads of (mostly newbie) posters.

I have been experimenting with combining perl cgi frontends with an OpenSCAD backend to make tailored .stl files and I plan soon to dedicate a Raspberry Pi as an experimental WWW server.  There's a lot of defensive coding needed to protect from stupidity, let alone deliberate abuse and automated attacks, even my simple project has grown into a complex monster.

Solidworks, FreeCAD, Fusion 360, Inventor, Blender (and others) are all parametric to a degree, each requiring a different approach to customisation. Whilst I agree that a 'Parametric' tag might be useful it is likely to open yet another can of worms. The database is already almost unsearchable in any practical sense and needs bottom-up reorganisation, perhaps this should wait until the database is fixed.

do they not monitor the forum for feedback?

To a degree, usually just specific threads.


Napsal : 29/09/2022 12:31 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

Nobody expects commercial level products from sites like this or Thingi - but to be fair, i've had some relative success with OpenSCAD parametric models on Thingi, and they are also an excellent resource if you want to learn a bit of OpenSCAD seeing how other people do things.

Nevertheless - if people are inclined to tag their uploads - and Printables were able to give the option to limit searches for that tag - fantastic.

Napsal : 29/09/2022 12:51 pm
Active Member
RE: Feature request: Filter for parametric models on printables.com

+1 for parametric filter.

Napsal : 08/06/2023 11:08 pm