Suddenly unnable to complete first layer - can't print
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Suddenly unnable to complete first layer - can't print  

New Member
Suddenly unnable to complete first layer - can't print

Hello all,

All of a sudden my prusa mini plus has issues with printing.

It starts fine but after 5 - 15 minutes it stops extruding.
I tried two different filaments of EU origin and the result is the same.
I dissasembled the extruder but there was nothing special to be find to help with this issue.
Any advice is appriciated.
HeatCreep ?



Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 4 years von avedran
Veröffentlicht : 01/04/2021 2:07 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Suddenly unnable to complete first layer - can't print

@avedran  I don't know much, but when I had a similar problem, it was because my Minda sensor wire was getting "worn".  Once I was on chat with support, they had me wiggle the wires while watching the red light on the Minda.  It did not stay on steady, so they sent me a new one.  You might already have the Super Pinda, and I think the cabling is better on that one so this is less likely to be a problem.  Still, you could test it the same way.

Good luck finding the cause.

Veröffentlicht : 02/04/2021 6:07 am