PRUSA Mini+ latest firmware seems really problematic, can't print at all.
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PRUSA Mini+ latest firmware seems really problematic, can't print at all.  

Mike Williamson
PRUSA Mini+ latest firmware seems really problematic, can't print at all.


I have had a Mini for several years.  For a long time I was printing with no issues.  I hadn't printed in about 12 months and went to start printing again this week.  I decided to update to 2.8.1 slicer and it advised to update the firmware to 6.1.3.  So I did, I was previously using 4.4.1 firmware.

Since then, I cannot make any prints.  Every attempt using old gcode files from the older slicers or using new gcode files from 2.8.1 fails miserably on the first layer.  The print material doesn't stick to the surface and sticks to the nozzle.

I have changed the nozzle, checked the extruder, etc., for clogs.   I didn't find any issue.

I can run the vertical Z calibration, and while the tuned target seems to be lower (-1.45 vs 0.45) than before I get a good calibration print.  The "postage stamp" area is slightly compressed, sticks to surface, no holes, etc.  The lines leading to it are square and stick to the surface.  I have checked that the sense is in the correct position (credit card check) and that the screw locking it in place is secure.  The fan on the extruder is working.

I have also tried a couple different printing plates (the Prusa stock smooth side and a brand new smooth sheet, cleaned with IPA).  Both are able to calibrate fine but the attempts to print yield no first layer and a mess around the nozzle.

I can purge the filament and I get a decent vertical stream that coils below the nozzle, it doesn't seem to be clogged or have a feeder issue.

I am using prusament (PLA) with stock printer settings and have never had a problem like this before.   Given the old gcode files behave the same as the newer ones seems to be pointing to something going on in the firmware.  Is there a way to roll it back?  Any other suggestions?  At the moment, the Mini is pretty much useless to me.  I am at a loss for what I am doing wrong.



Napsal : 29/11/2024 2:06 pm
Prominent Member
RE: PRUSA Mini+ latest firmware seems really problematic, can't print at all.

Some questions:

1. Please do some basic maintenance checks - especially if when the print head is hot that the nozzle is not loose. This can lead to some weird issues. 

2. filament - Is this a fresh new filament spool or the one you used 12 months ago?

2. Make sure to clean bed with a dish soap and hot water and scrub it with a dish brush, there should be no fingerprints on it, because it affects the adhesion. It may not be that noticeable on the first layer calibration but on other prints it will.

3. Remember that if you do a nozzle or print sheet swap you should run the first layer calibration and z adjustment per sheet ( assuming nozzle stays as is), because they differ in thickness.

4. Try to print something simple like a small box 2x2x2 cm in diameter.

Afair there should not be that much if a difference between running old gcode on old and new firmware ( usually old files are compatible with new firmwarez but new gcodes may be limited for older firmware).

You could write down some settings like z params per sheet, generic printer stats and then do a factory reset the printer - and then recreate first layer calibration settings per sheet.

Also notice that it is better to realise the original models with updated PrusaSlicer profiles and use that gcode files.

Please post pictures (use insert media instead if 'attach' button on the bottom).

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Napsal : 29/11/2024 5:04 pm
Mike Williamson
Topic starter answered:
RE: PRUSA Mini+ latest firmware seems really problematic, can't print at all.

Hi  @_kaszpir_,

I resolved the issue.  There was an obstruction in the hot end above the nozzle, I was able to clear it and am now getting good prints.

Thank you for your help and suggestions.

With regards.


Napsal : 29/12/2024 4:55 pm
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