Ordered 1/25/2025 Batch 8 Shipped today 🙂 In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 5 hours |
You have answered your own question correctly. Increased de... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
Yup, but don't forget that now you have to pay sales tax (un... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
No, you don't "just hire more people". That's how business ... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
My C1 is in Batch 8, and rumblings seem to be that new rates... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
Sure, sounds like a similar rate to what I paid several year... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
First of all a little perspective ; there are a couple of do... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 1 week |
Pop one of the front corners up, slide a sheet of plastic/ca... In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting |
před 2 weeks |
Have you checked/recalibrated the bed tilt? I find the supp... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 3 years |
I've only owned the newer plastic style, and in the multiple... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 3 years |
I have the capacity to mill whatever locating features I'd w... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 3 years |
Depends on what you want to change. The short answer is for... In forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
před 3 years |