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Sascha Uncia
Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2021/02/17
Active Member
@joantabb Thanks, I'll try that! Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@neophyl Thanks again for the help. Slic3r isn't quite as in... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@joantabb @neophylThank you both. I'm not sure if everything... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@neophyl There is also the Max acceleration when extruding /... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
Not sure where the correct places for echo:Accelerations: P=... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
SENDING:M503echo:Steps per unit:echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z800... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@neophyl Wait but what is the difference between the setting... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@neophyl Thanks, I'll try reading eeprom once this benchy is... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
@joantabbThat removed a lot of it, there's still some near t... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
Example of the clicking, it's drowned out a bit by the fan, ... Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years | |
Violent shaking on thin infills Im Forum PrusaSlicer |
Vor 4 years |