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Josef Průša
Josef Průša
Skupina: Admin
Přidal se: 2015/04/26
Název: Member Admin
Not really worth it now. The fans are controlled by the ther...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 12 months
There is a project going on from the 602 issue investigation...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 12 months
The enclosure does not carry OHW logo, yet the sources were ...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

před 1 year
We are going to raise the speed of standard setting by rough...

In forum Input Shaper (MK4)

před 2 years
It is still runing, after that we will send emails to winner...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 4 years
We literally cost 10€ less per spool with our premium inhous...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 5 years
Tohle se stane, kdyz se to dotahuje do krve, tim se pak troc...

In forum Ostatní (Archiv)

před 7 years
Hello there 🙂 It is a big surprise to see problems on supp...

In forum Others (Archive)

před 7 years
I do not know, where the original poster got the data. But w...

In forum Others (Archive)

před 7 years
PSU section from the upcoming article reviewing last two mon...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

před 7 years
Vše funguje jak má. Jediné, co mě po třech dnech strávených...

In forum Ostatní (Archiv)

před 7 years
MK3 has independent CE testing from AKPtesting. It is attach...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

před 7 years
Jak kit tak sestavená má přibalený pouze jeden plát.

In forum Ostatní (Archiv)

před 7 years
I just got more info about the layershifts. As I calibrated ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 7 years
Re: MK3 zastavenie pri tlaci. FW:prusa3d_fw_3_1_1_rc4_b143

In forum Ostatní (Archiv)

před 7 years
Chtel jsem to postnout ale predbehl jste me 🙂 2.1.3 je ven...

In forum Ostatní (Archiv)

před 7 years
But when I look at the Filament Settings tab, the "Extrusion...

In forum Others (Archive)

před 7 years
Thank you for your testing. New Drivers 2.1.3 are out 😉

In forum Others (Archive)

před 7 years
OctoPrint issues and tips

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

před 7 years
Change the infill pattern to grid, it is bleeding thru thr p...

In forum Others (Archive)

před 7 years
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