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A(ont) rejoint: 2021/12/22
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Dans le forum General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

il y a 2 months
Yes please. My printers are in the basement under my bedroo...

Dans le forum Prusa Connect & PrusaLink

il y a 2 months
And the power supply, although the Core One uses 2 power sup...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 3 months
Can parts be printed with different infill patterns?

Dans le forum PrusaSlicer

il y a 4 months
Another 3.5 owner interested in an upgrade path to a 3.9S (o...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 months
@mturner1721, did the Overture PC you used have carbon fiber...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
I printed these parts from the latest Prusa XL printable par...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
I completed the PCCF upgrade to my #1 tool head and tested s...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
So, my 10-15 minute guesstimate is way off. That PC-CF is r...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
I suspect once the PETG parts are 'overheated' and distort, ...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
I've had the same thing happen to me. Printing fine for mon...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 8 months
Hmmm, where have I seen this before..."Danger Josef Prusa!" ...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 8 months
Right, pardon my poorly phrased question. I understand they...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 10 months
XL CoreXY front end-caps

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 10 months
"My trainers thank you for sharing your insights and informa...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 12 months
Well, duh on me! BTW, that is also available in the tunin...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 12 months
I looked at doing installing a shade but was quickly discour...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 12 months
Dang, it's a constant cat & mouse (or spy vs. spy) conte...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 12 months
I cut each wire individually and spliced in a length of like...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 12 months
Yes, I've seen no indication of another purpose, and there i...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 12 months
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