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Registrato: 2020/05/14
Eminent Member
Does Firmware 3.14.0 work with Revo Hotend?

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

3 months fa
That is a fantastic reply! Thank you sooo much 😀 Yes, it st...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
Previous print was white, this print was orange. Hope this w...

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
Leakage between hot end and the bit above. help please.

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years fa
that looks like the problem. how do i fix it?

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

3 years fa
heat block leaking. how to tighten?

Nel forum Hardware, firmware and software help

3 years fa
Many thanks for the replies. I'm using the speeds as set as ...

Nel forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years fa
Very visible layer lines. How can i fix please?

Nel forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years fa
@nikolai-r UK

Nel forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years fa
the face should be smooth. got layer lines and slight shifts...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

4 years fa
Y axis layers not lining up (photo inc). Help would be appre...

Nel forum Improvements (Archive)

4 years fa
PETG Filament Recomendations ?

Nel forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years fa
that's brilliant! thanks so much for your help 😀

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
thanks. Er, how please? if i click on the height range modif...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
is there a way to add more than one height range modifier?

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
oh that is brilliant! can put infil where it's most needed. ...

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
Infill adjustment by layer height? Is it possible?

Nel forum PrusaSlicer

4 years fa
just had another thought... prints are fine from the sd card...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

4 years fa
i "think" i might have fixed it. released the screws holding...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

4 years fa
thanks @neophyl got the drift down to the first 2mm or so by...

Nel forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

4 years fa
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