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Grupo: Registrado
Registrado: 2022/12/28
Active Member
Has anyone checked if the internet error is present on versi...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 2 months
Same issue here. TLS Error and the printer is not able to re...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 2 months
Thank you for sharing this! No more flickering and it works ...

En el foro User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

hace 1 year
Printer status when pause not correct via API

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years
What about bed adhesion? It seems a relatively thin piece, s...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
If you cannot use the default Insert Image button, you can a...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
The same happened to me. I have a clone board and the proble...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
I think the time when done only appears if the printer is co...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years
Thank you all for your answers! Line 61 eeprom_init_default_...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years
Why does bed heats when changing filament?

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years
Which heatbreak is better? Request for opinions!

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years
Buenas, te dió error durante la instalación y ahora no te de...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 2 years