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Revo Micro installation on my Mini+  

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Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

[insert facepalm here] - user error 50 😀 
I used the textured sheet that I have always used for PETG before and didn't even think about simply swapping it out. 

I print two pieces. One with the smooth sheet and high temp at the first few layers. First layer was ok but not that good. The second one with stock settings on the smooth sheet came out quiet good. Maybe i need 250°C for the first Layer instead of 240°C for bigger models because it looks like it wants to stick on the nozzle. But so fare its works again.

Thanks for that =)

Its Prusament Jet Black ya. It worked pretty good before the upgrade xD
If you have recommendations let me know it ^^

Posted : 16/08/2023 2:16 pm
Estimable Member

I could not believe what difference made the upgrade to “Detachable Cooling Duct Assembly” and “Prusa Mini Revo Micro Upgrade” printed in ASA. Before it I could not print anything higher than 45 degree without support structure. Now I could print up to 70 degree using Revo recommended settings for the filament: “Max volumetric speed”=10, “Min print speed”=20, “Slow down if layer print time is below”=5, “Retraction length”=1.8 and for the Print settings, Speed “Dynamic overhang speed”=5,5,7,9 without over or under extrusion.

So if anyone states that the Fan Duct upgrades are not worth it for Prusa Mini with Revo, just see the difference between this and my previous posts:



This post was modified 2 years ago 3 times by PrusaTester2020
Posted : 16/08/2023 8:16 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Can confirm. After rebuild with this one
Overhangs and bridging is much better. Before its struggles with 60-70 degress. Now even 80 degress work. Not perfect but work.


Posted : 16/08/2023 8:56 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Looks like I've got a new weekend project. Those results speak for themselves.

Posted : 17/08/2023 6:30 am
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

I noticed there is a remix version, is that better to use ?

Posted by: @hundehirn

Can confirm. After rebuild with this one
Overhangs and bridging is much better. Before its struggles with 60-70 degress. Now even 80 degress work. Not perfect but work.



Posted : 17/08/2023 1:05 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Could be better, because of the smaller one in the middle and little more air from the sides. But i don´t test it ^^

Posted by: @kevman

I noticed there is a remix version, is that better to use ?

Posted by: @hundehirn

Can confirm. After rebuild with this one
Overhangs and bridging is much better. Before its struggles with 60-70 degress. Now even 80 degress work. Not perfect but work.




Posted : 17/08/2023 3:22 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

... and there is a remix of the remixed version that is optimized even further for Revo and that I intend to print and test if my present fan duct causes problems in the future.

Posted : 18/08/2023 10:35 am
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

That looks like a winner for me. Will be printing it in this stuff, interested to see how it's gonna look.

In the mean time, I've got a new testing toy. Here's some FLIR visuals.

Something I noticed in video 2, the order that the arms are being printed in per layer changes, and sometimes it will double-up on the same arm, printing immediately on top of itself. This is probably where the worst of the curling/drooping occurs.

Posted : 19/08/2023 5:00 pm
Hundehirn liked
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Could anyone share a working profile settings for Prusa Mini using PLA with Revo 0.25 nozzle (preferable with Prusament PLA)? 

Posted : 21/08/2023 2:18 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Sorry, only have a Revo 0,4 nozzle.
Do you try to reduce the flowrate?

Posted : 21/08/2023 2:26 pm
Robeena Shepherd
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+
Posted by: @prusatester2020

Could anyone share a working profile settings for Prusa Mini using PLA with Revo 0.25 nozzle (preferable with Prusament PLA)? 

Stock profile with these changes works for me:

  • Retraction/Deretraction speeds - 35
  • Retraction length - 1.8


Posted : 21/08/2023 7:34 pm
Estimable Member

Got the new part cooling assembly installed. Looks pretty cool with the thermochromatic stuff.

Results from the overhang test, new version on the right (both flipped horizontally for the underside shot)

Definitely not as dramatic of an improvement as y'all have had, but it does address the non-uniformity between the different arms. This shows much more even part cooling independent of feature orientation, so that's good enough of a win for me to keep it installed.

Here's the FLIR visuals of the new print.

A lot more even cooling patterns on each arm.

Posted : 23/08/2023 12:44 am
Robeena Shepherd
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

If only we could have a more powerful fan, it's a shame the Mini is limited to the weedy one it comes with. ☹️

Posted : 23/08/2023 6:58 am
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

I've fixed stringing issue by increasing movement speed but my mini is super stiff compering to factory one.

mini+ [bondtech dual drive, revo, reprinted with PA11-CF and ASA] lives in photo tent.
mk4 upgraded to S with mmu3 and gpio (with some parts reprinted) lives in prusa enclosure.
Voron 0 ldo kit with dragon burner and…

Posted : 23/08/2023 9:19 am
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

What do you do to make it stiffer?
I use this model, but it do´nt change much.

Posted : 23/08/2023 6:59 pm
Eminent Member

Structural for parts for X and Z reprinted with PA11-CF and rest with ASA. Since then it prints fast then mk4 with default profile and cooling starts to be an issue* 🙂



*petg, abs love it fast and hot 

This post was modified 2 years ago by str0gg

mini+ [bondtech dual drive, revo, reprinted with PA11-CF and ASA] lives in photo tent.
mk4 upgraded to S with mmu3 and gpio (with some parts reprinted) lives in prusa enclosure.
Voron 0 ldo kit with dragon burner and…

Posted : 27/08/2023 1:11 pm
Hundehirn liked
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Does any of you think that upgrading the extruder to a light direct drive one (Bondtech LGX Lite or Trianglelab TBG-lite) will fix the issues of printing PLA in slow speeds like 5-7 mm/s without having under/over extrusion?

Posted : 27/08/2023 2:02 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

It does not have any sense, assume for a moment that motor on your mini is dying - its time to replace.
Upgrading mini with Bondtech dual driver has the most sense because you now how many steps you suppose to set it is in assembly instruction.
My mini with revo print us expected with 0.25/0.4/0.6, 0.8 was only test with first layer calibration but it was looking correct.

Maybe its gear with missing tooth?

mini+ [bondtech dual drive, revo, reprinted with PA11-CF and ASA] lives in photo tent.
mk4 upgraded to S with mmu3 and gpio (with some parts reprinted) lives in prusa enclosure.
Voron 0 ldo kit with dragon burner and…

Posted : 27/08/2023 2:14 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+

Could it reduce the ringing?Because the ringing is really annoying 😀

Posted : 27/08/2023 2:45 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Revo Micro installation on my Mini+
Posted by: @str0gg

It does not have any sense, assume for a moment that motor on your mini is dying - its time to replace.
Upgrading mini with Bondtech dual driver has the most sense because you now how many steps you suppose to set it is in assembly instruction.
My mini with revo print us expected with 0.25/0.4/0.6, 0.8 was only test with first layer calibration but it was looking correct.

Maybe its gear with missing tooth?

At present moment I am already using Bondtech Extruder for Prusa Mini and I checked the gears - there were no missing tooths. The problem appears mostly when using Prusament/Fillamentum PLA and the "Retraction length" is set higher than 1.8. 

Posted : 27/08/2023 2:52 pm
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