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Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips  

New Member
Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips


Couple of months ago I bought an used clone of Prusa Mini, probably Fysetc, running original Prusa firmware. I had zero knowledge about 3D printing at that time and I didn't do any research before the purchase (that was a mistake). The guy who sold it to me did some cheap mods to it and claimed it's in perfect condition.

At the beginning it was ok but after couple of days things started to fall apart (literally). Extruder fall off, bed was unleveling constantly, clogs, cables was interfering with bed movements, some parts were a bit broken, feels unstable. My friend recently saw this and he said it's very poorly made.

I'm thinking about replacing it or rebuilding. Here are my options:

1) Sell the clone and buy original Mini (that's the only printer I can fit in my apartment) - easy and probably the cheapest option. It's not challenging though and I like challange! 😀

2) Disassemble the clone and rebuild it from scratch. I can reuse most of the hardware like bed, display, metal parts, motherboard etc. Since printing quality of the clone is not reliable I would have to order 3D prints online, that shouldn't be a problem. I'd definitely need new bearings and extruder. 

I'd like to ask you for some tips how do I approach the rebuild? Should I just take everything apart, see what's missing, what's in bad shape, etc. and start putting it together. Can I order 3D parts using original Prusa STL files and follow original assembly guide? I'm very eager to try this, there's so much to learn, I just need a plan and some tips.




Best Answer by KAD370:

rebuild it. I have clone and works perfect. Change bearings. Ask friend to print you broken parts, buy new heat break from trianglelab, also nozzle and heat block with silicone sock. For reference use original mini assambley manual. For bed I did remove it and sanded metal part of it, to get it flat as possible. 


Veröffentlicht : 23/01/2023 9:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

I would go for the first option you mentioned.

If you then buy the Original Prusa mini+,

you will have enough of a challenge when assembling it.

With option two you will try to turn a bad printer into a slightly less bad printer.

By replacing some Genuine Prusa parts in the clone,

it will not get the features of an Original Prusa printer.

In short, it remains a clone.


Good luck with the choice you're about to make.

Veröffentlicht : 24/01/2023 9:48 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

rebuild it. I have clone and works perfect. Change bearings. Ask friend to print you broken parts, buy new heat break from trianglelab, also nozzle and heat block with silicone sock. For reference use original mini assambley manual. For bed I did remove it and sanded metal part of it, to get it flat as possible. 


Veröffentlicht : 25/01/2023 10:01 am
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

Buy a new one and rebuild the clone to be resold (or you could keep it also).
You can use the new one to print missing or damaged parts on the cloe.
Building the new one also gets you the knowledge and experience needed to fix what needs to be fixed on the clone.
It gets you your challenge and a target to measure against.

Enjoy the process !

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Veröffentlicht : 25/01/2023 10:36 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

It depends on what challenge you want. Even a good printer will provide challenges in making good prints. So, do you want to spend your time building a printer, or printing?

Prusa's instructions are very good. If you start with their kit, and build it following the instructions precisely, it will very likely work.



Veröffentlicht : 26/01/2023 4:09 am
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

cjust buy new prusa then keep clone motors and mother board for spares

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Veröffentlicht : 26/01/2023 4:11 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips



Thank you for replies. I just want to tell you that I finished the rebuild with success 🙂 It took me 2 weeks to gather all the parts but it was very pleasant time. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot. It was like building LEGO 😀 Prusa guide is very well written.

I just disassemble everything and did following modifications:

  • Parts: ordered new ones in PET-G + ABS near the hotend
  • Extruder: replaced old Titan extruder with Trianglelab Dual Drive
  • Hotend: old one was covered in filament, some leaks, looked terrible -> bought Dragon from Phaetus + thermistor + heater + nozzle
  • Bearings: I though they were Igus, turned out to be 3D printed -> replaced with Misumi
  • Rods: ole ones had a lot of scratches, some quite deep, probably wouldn't effect print quality but I found local CNC shop where I've ordered chrome hardened steel rods, perfectly finished and cut, quite cheep ($35 total for 6 rods)
  • Other: new belts, new hotend fan (old one was extremely loud)

I've kept rest of the things like bed, electronics, LCD, motors. Printer is very stable and quiet now. Printing quality - very good but I'm still running some calibrations and tuning it.

If I sum everything (used printer + new parts) total cost is around the same as a new Prusa printer. I'm very satisfied with it 🙂  

Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2023 9:50 am
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

Kudos for taking on the challenge !!!
Enjoy your new printer !!!

Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...

Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2023 10:49 am
Active Member
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips


show us some photos of it

Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2023 10:54 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini - rebuild from scratch - tips

It's a standard black and orange Mini (I've ordered 3D parts which were in stock), perhaps when I get bored in future I will reprint them by myself.

Benchy looks great, better than on pictures (it's hard to make a good photo of this black glossy PETG).

I put the extruder in that place because that's where the old one was. I will probably move it to original location and cut down PTFE tube a little bit (although this location is quite convenient for changing filament) . I do have one issue with the hotend. Dragon's mount was poorly printed in ABS, it shrank and I had to use Dremel to enlarge hole for the tube. Now the tube is a little loose and it may not be aligned perfectly with the Dragon's hole for filament (same issue as described here ->



Veröffentlicht : 13/02/2023 1:50 pm