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How to handle excess filament with dry box?  

Eminent Member
How to handle excess filament with dry box?

How’s the best way that you deal with the excess leftover filament that’s unloaded from the mini after printing? There’s a lot unloaded so would be a waste to dump it.  My dry box setup will make it hard and tedious to respool the leftover. What’s a better way?

the best I’ve come up with so far is having extra tubing that I shove the leftover filament in (perhaps with the magnet to magnet PtFE connection on 

This topic was modified 2 years temu by lnjustin
Opublikowany : 15/01/2023 5:00 am
Reputable Member
Posted by: @lnjustin

How’s the best way that you deal with the excess leftover filament that’s unloaded from the mini after printing? There’s a lot unloaded so would be a waste to dump it.  My dry box setup will make it hard and tedious to respool the leftover. What’s a better way?

the best I’ve come up with so far is having extra tubing that I shove the leftover filament in (perhaps with the magnet to magnet PtFE connection on 

Can you post a picture of your setup? It's hard to envision why you can't just turn the spool by hand and wind up the filament. I dry the filament but don't have a dry box on the printer, so it is out in the open while printing. I'm in a dry climate so a few hours to a day out in the open doesn't allow it to absorb much moisture. I just throw it back into the dryer before the next print session.

I have to cut off the end of the unloaded filament anyway, as it usually has a string attached and some extruder marks. Some gets wasted.



Opublikowany : 15/01/2023 5:24 am
Famed Member
RE: How to handle excess filament with dry box?

I do not have the mini, but I store infrequently-used spools in one of three dryboxes I made from home storage tubs and el-cheapo humidity gauges.

I use those dry-pack silica gel things and dry them overnight in the air fryer when the humidity starts creeping up.

Opublikowany : 15/01/2023 7:41 am
Famed Member
RE: How to handle excess filament with dry box?

excess leftover filament that’s unloaded from the mini after printing

Not sure why your setup seems to create so much leftover filament. I usually just rewind the spool manually a bit. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 16/01/2023 5:39 pm