Heating bed insulation
Hello, everyone
does any of you already have experience with a heating bed insulation at the Prusa MK3s?
I'm playing around with the idea of sticking an insulating mat under the heating bed.
The advantages were declared as the following:
1. To heat up faster
2. Better heat distribution
3. Less energy consumption when heating up (saving energy)
4. Extended cooling time for subsequent prints
I just don't know what the heating bed says about it, because I haven't found a report that relates to the Prusa heating bed yet.
Thanks for your support
RE: Heating bed insulation
Great idea, I would also be interested in possible Materials and "how too's" for heatbed insulation as I am trying to print my heatbed carrier and need it there to be as cold as possible.
Best regards, Clemens
Mini, i3 MK2.5S, i3 MK4, CClone (Eigenbau)
RE: Heating bed insulation
I saw Amazon do these https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08CXZK8TY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_F2914TJJDGWXZM4DSVCV
I also remember seeing Cork type versions as well, 300x300 and 220x220 size available to suit mk3 and mini.
Sure this could be fitted by punching holes through where the spacer bushes go.
Tank you very much!
RE: Heizbettisolierung
I would prefer this: