We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles
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We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles  

Patryk Dampc
Active Member
We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

I was really happy with quick nozzle swap when MK4 was revealed, one of my main selling points along with load cell bed leveling. But as many people has admitted before it is not well thought design. The connectors are not designed to be regularly detached and attached. Its really hard for me to squeeze heater connector and my fingers hurts while doing that. Cables are really hard to align in that grove near print fan door hinge, I'm using tweezers to make it fit properly. I'm thinking about wrapping those cables with some tape to make those cables flatter and stiffer and maybe it will help fitting it into grove, not sure if it'll help much, I have no idea how to deal with that heater conector, it feels like I'll break it or damage the socket on Loveboard. Is there any possibility to address those issues somehow to Prusa? It all looks like someone had cool idea but some huge shortcut had been made there. At least found cool project on printables that solved necessity of sliding on and off loveboard cover during swaps: https://www.printables.com/model/539125-loveboard-cover-with-nozzle-swap-hinge  

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 1 year von Patryk Dampc
Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2023 8:54 am
Zappes und Piotr W gefällt das
Famed Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

I gave up swapping nozzles the Prusa Way. I just do it the Mk3 Way by unscrewing the nozzle while holding the heater block in place with the universal wrench, without disconnecting the cables. On the Mk4, the hotend is super easy to access, on the XL, I tend to drop it a bit to make it easier to get the wrench in.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2023 11:30 am
James Kirk gefällt das
Estimable Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles
Posted by: @fuchsr

I gave up swapping nozzles the Prusa Way. I just do it the Mk3 Way by unscrewing the nozzle while holding the heater block in place with the universal wrench, without disconnecting the cables. On the Mk4, the hotend is super easy to access, on the XL, I tend to drop it a bit to make it easier to get the wrench in.

Same here.  I like that the connection points are all right there at the extruder, as it will be helpful when a heater or thermistor fails and needs replacement.  However, the way the plugs and wiring path are implemented do NOT really make for what I would call a "quick change" of the entire assembly.  

On the other hand...  The one-piece nozzle+heatbreak+tube makes nozzle change really simple since it can be done cold.  No worries about leaks.  I have found it is easier, faster, and less prone to breaking a wire/connector to just change out that one-piece nozzle without touching any of the wiring.  A little caution is still needed to ensure the wires aren't stressed at the heater and thermistor, but that is true when changing the entire assembly as well.


Veröffentlicht : 08/09/2023 4:53 pm
Piotr W
Active Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

IMHO Prusa had a cool idea but its implementation is hopeless. I have a second complete hot end kit for large prints but when I have to change it I'm angry that I updated Prusa instead of buying Bambu.

Veröffentlicht : 19/10/2023 8:00 pm
Reputable Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles
Posted by: @fuchsr

I gave up swapping nozzles the Prusa Way. I just do it the Mk3 Way by unscrewing the nozzle while holding the heater block in place with the universal wrench, without disconnecting the cables. On the Mk4, the hotend is super easy to access, on the XL, I tend to drop it a bit to make it easier to get the wrench in.

When I first read the nozzle swap instructions in the manual I asked myself really hard why I should bother with the finnicky procedure instead of just using a wrench and unscrewing the nozzle with the rest of the hot end still being in place. I assumed that something terrible would happen if I did that - do I correctly understand that nothing happens, apart from the nozzle coming out of the hot end?

My models on Printables
Veröffentlicht : 20/10/2023 12:56 pm
Famed Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

Correct. It's basically the same procedure that Prusa suggests, just without unplugging the wires, removing the nozzle, reinstalling it, and reattaching the wires. I just do it in place, and with the new hotend design and fan placement it's easy to get the wrench in. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Veröffentlicht : 20/10/2023 1:33 pm
Zappes gefällt das
Eminent Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

I just bought a V6 nozzle adapter and will do it the oldschool way. This way I can use whatever nozzle I like and I only have to hold the heater block tight, which is fortunately pretty easy due to its good accessibility on the mk4. But I'm also disappointed. The new system is ridiculously poorly thought out


Veröffentlicht : 25/10/2023 11:04 pm
Estimable Member
RE: We really need some solution for those ridiculous thernistor and heater cables while changing nozzles

The default MK4 nozzles do have the advantage of being one piece (feed tube, heat-break and nozzle).  That does make for an easier change, since it can be done "cold" because there is no heat-break-to-nozzle interface that needs to be tightened while hot.

So, I do prefer the standard MK4 nozzle when it comes to swapping.  But the "promise" of being able to quickly swap an entire unit (wires, heater, thermistor, heat block, nozzle assembly) has definitely NOT been fulfilled by the MK4 design.  I still see it as an improvement, but just not living up to the expectations set by Prusa's marketing material.    

Veröffentlicht : 26/10/2023 1:56 am
Piotr W und Zappes gefällt das