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Prusa MK4 & Octoprint  

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Kutilman Yuri
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I just got of the chat with Prusa service and ask them whether is this getting solved.

I explained this would be a deal breaker for many of us and asked if their devs can reply on this thread or give official info.

Guy wrote: "I can certainly request it! I know that they're extremely busy though, so I can't guarantee that they will be able to respond."

So we'll see :/


Posted : 05/08/2023 1:21 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Prusa doesn’t have to do anything they don’t want to do. But by releasing a new model and new firmware that has less compatibility and by removing some  functionality then their previous model, and by hearing from hundreds of users that say octoprint is an important part of their workflow, its l would be foolish for them to ignore these requests.

Posted : 05/08/2023 1:53 pm
alan, shorton and liked
Trusted Member


If you are in middle of a "print"  with Octoprint,  and the filament runs out.......    ,  if the sensor is not working,  and mk4 not knows  the filament ended.......
It will continue printing without filament all the way until the print ends?   
This situation is not dangerous?   

Hypothetical case
If a mk3s user, purchases a mk4 and continue using octoprint as before........ and prusa dont warn you, and Octoprint dont warn you:     
--> The fault is at the end of prusa?   Is his machine and  his runout  sensor not working.     
--> Could this cause a burn situation?

If they dont want people to use "octoprint"  or another sofware,  they can "close"  the usb to not allow COM connection.......... but if is working the COM but not some important parts of mk4  like the runout_sensor........ maybe we have a BIG problem here and not a "simple request" ?

(only concerns about the situation)


Posted : 05/08/2023 9:12 pm
shorton liked
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Yes, this is a suboptimal situation, but I would not call it "dangerous". You should however be aware of this problem with Octoprint on the MK4. Then you can help preventing the runout problem before starting your print. PrusaSlicer tells you the amount of filament needed for your print (in meters and grams). For most small prints you should be able to estimate if the filament left on the spool will still be enough. For larger prints you can weigh your spool. And if you are sure that a spool swap cannot be avoided, just print from the USB flash drive. The printer will alert you to the filament runout then. For the actual swap you must be present at the printer anyway even with a working runout sensor. You can still partly monitor your printer via OctoPrint (bed and hotend temperatures are visible in OctoPrint) and use the OctoPrint camera.

Posted : 05/08/2023 9:45 pm
Trusted Member

I was thinking in a situation like this one,  where safety non triggers cause the printer in this case,  not knows it´s printing....... 

(video from yesterday with a Mingda Magician X)


Posted : 05/08/2023 9:55 pm
john doe liked
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I think with a high-end, high-cost printer that includes a filament sensor like a Prusa, everything should work the way it's supposed to and promised to work.  The MK3S+ was in my opinion pretty much a marvel of perfection, not as sophisticated as some of the new Core X/Y printers, but it delivered what it promised.  The MK4 sounds like a half finished product (maybe 3/4 finished), it's potential is great but not fully realized. If they can't get their act together quickly they will be passed aside. I may sound critical but I am rooting for Prusa, add the features you promised put back the capabilities that you removed (Octoprint support), prove to the world you are not a 'one-trick pony'.


Posted : 05/08/2023 9:59 pm
paf007 and shorton liked
john doe
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

nightmares like this are the reason why i put away my powder fire extinguisher and bought an carbon dioxide extinguisher and placed it near the printer. if something happens _while_ i am at home with a running printer.

mk3s+ (kit), mk4 (kit), pla + petg

Posted : 10/08/2023 6:20 pm
Kutilman Yuri
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Actually I have info from Prusa support that their devs are tweaking communications and soon it should be able to send info to octoprint.

Posted : 10/08/2023 6:42 pm
c60nils, Setup, Shushuda and 1 people liked
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I have Octoprint connected to Mk4 no issues up to now only thing that is not right is no access to the tune menu and progress bar on Mk4 screen

Posted : 14/08/2023 9:46 pm
Trusted Member


Posted by: @alan-2

I have Octoprint connected to Mk4 no issues up to now only thing that is not right is no access to the tune menu and progress bar on Mk4 screen

I can not survive without the filament runout sensor.  Is mandatory in my case. 
Here you have the list from Github,  thanks to the user ARKEM.


My TRUSTPILOT Review  with 1 star until they fix the problems  (2 years old a few ones from Prusa Mini)  (prusa answered it)

Posted : 14/08/2023 11:33 pm
shorton liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

New problem I am facing with the RC, when the printer is turned on , Octoprint is not able to connect to it automatically as it has in the past. I can go into the interface and click the connect button and it works. This prevents any prints from starting automatically when sent from the slicer. Very frustrating as it was working before. 

Posted : 15/08/2023 10:50 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint
Posted by: @kevman

New problem I am facing with the RC, when the printer is turned on , Octoprint is not able to connect to it automatically as it has in the past. I can go into the interface and click the connect button and it works. This prevents any prints from starting automatically when sent from the slicer. Very frustrating as it was working before. 

I haven't noticed this with the RC, but I may not understand what you are explaining.  If you are referring to Octoprint's "auto-connect on server startup", mine is working exactly as it did with previous firmware versions.  If something else, if you will provide some test/replication steps that demonstrate the issue, I will see if I can duplicate it here.

Posted : 15/08/2023 11:01 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Silly question but have you confirmed that  'Auto-connect to printer on server start' under 'Serial Connection' is still checked?


Posted : 15/08/2023 11:33 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Yes the auto-connect option is checked....

Posted : 20/08/2023 9:44 pm
Estimable Member
Posted by: @kevman

Yes the auto-connect option is checked....

You haven't really given details of the event sequence where you see a problem, so it is hard to guess.   I have not experienced any difference in the way Octoprint connects (including Auto-connect) with the 5RC firmware, so I am not sure what you are seeing.

Auto-connect will only work with a printer/port that has previously been manually connected with the Auto-connect and "save connection settings" check-marked.  If you have changed ports, you may need to manually connect with the "save" and "autoconnect" options checked again, then auto-connect will work for that port.

With the Auto-connect option active for a port, Octoprint will connect to the printer IF it is attached, powered on, and ready on the saved port when Octoprint is started or restarted.  However, if the printer goes offline unexpectedly (i.e., turned off or disconnected), then Octoprint will get a serial error and disconnect -- and it will NOT reconnect automatically when the printer is powered on again (unless Octoprint itself is subsequently restarted).  Similarly, if the printer is not connected/powered when Octoprint is started, Octoprint will not automatically connect when the printer is later physically connected/powered; rather, Octoprint will wait for you to use the Connect button (or to be restarted).

That default Auto-connect behavior can be enhanced with the "PortLister" plugin.  The plugin periodically refreshes the port list in Octoprint, so if a printer is subsequently connected or powered on after the Octoprint server is already running, the auto-connect will be processed.   That allows you to have Octoprint running, then later power-up the printer, and (within 20 seconds) have Octoprint process the auto-connect.  Or to power off the printer (which causes Octoprint to disconnect), then later power the printer on again, and have Octoprint auto-connect again.

Hope that helps.  If it doesn't, provide some details of the exact sequence where you are seeing a problem so someone can try to help further.

Posted : 20/08/2023 10:35 pm
Kutilman Yuri
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


not sure if I missed something here, but I have a hard time getting values to set up printer profile for MK4 in octoprint.

I understand there is issue with filament sensor, but I want to use Octolapse only for now.

I cannot find mk4 profile anywhere.

Can guys who got it to work share settings please?


Posted : 28/08/2023 10:37 am
Walter Layher
Prominent Member

Just use the same setup values as for an MK3S*, they work. Only difference is that you can use a serial speed of 230400 baud for the MK4.
And for OctoLapse do not use the "Stabilization" feature, it will not work. Use a smart trigger "snap to print".

Posted : 28/08/2023 11:18 am
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


Posted by: @yuri-kutilman

I cannot find mk4 profile anywhere. Can guys who got it to work share settings please?

The profile I am using is below.  I'm not sure Octoprint uses much of this now -- a lot of it was there to support the built-in version of Cura that used to come with Octoprint, but that was eliminated many years ago.  However, some plugins may also look at this data.  In any case, here's what I am using:

    inverted: false
    speed: 300
    inverted: false
    speed: 6000
    inverted: false
    speed: 6000
    inverted: false
    speed: 200
color: default
  count: 1
  defaultExtrusionLength: 5
  nozzleDiameter: 0.4
  - - 0.0
    - 0.0
  sharedNozzle: false
heatedBed: true
heatedChamber: false
id: prusa_mk4
model: Prusa i3 MK4
name: Prusa MK4
    x_max: 250.0
    x_min: 0.0
    y_max: 210.0
    y_min: -4.0
    z_max: 210.0
    z_min: 0.0
  depth: 210.0
  formFactor: rectangular
  height: 210.0
  origin: lowerleft
  width: 250.0
Posted : 28/08/2023 4:08 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


Posted by: @bazmarc

i simply connected my Raspberry 3 B+ that i had working on the MK3 to the new MK4 using a USB C cable, at first it didn,T work so i tried a better cable (ensure cable does data not just to charge a device) and then it worked perfectly...  I'm able to do everything i was doing on the MK3 but now i'm doing it on the MK4!!

I did the same thing.  Octoprint works on my Mk4 too.  Much faster to send Gcodes to a Pi rather than through Prusalink. Can also start prints from Octoprint.

Posted : 09/09/2023 12:37 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Just remember: OctoPrint was already a fully functional product when "more comfortable transfer of gcodes to your printer" was still spelled "Birkenstock" at Prusa! 🙂

Posted : 09/09/2023 12:47 pm
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