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Prusa MK4 & Octoprint  

Strona 11 / 18
Noble Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


Posted by: @foosel

Are there any other conversations going anywhere on this topic?  Do the Octoprint developers know?

No, "they" do not. Let me tell you about the reality of developing OctoPrint.

There's at this point what could be considered hundreds if not even thousands of firmware variants out there. Vendors randomly break things left and right. But do they tell me or anyone else? Of course not! We usually discover that something is broken because some affected users show up in our forums, Discord or bug tracker and tell us that something is not working like it should. If we are lucky, they do so in a nice tone and collaborate with us to figure out WHAT exactly is broken and if there's an easy way to work around it on OctoPrint's side (preferably through a plugin because every single workaround that makes its way into core now has to be maintained there for all eternity). Sadly all to often however, we rather see entitled passive aggressive stuff like also visible here, where people treat us like we owe them our time and resources to make THEIR specific workflow work for them, for free.

It is not my job to keep OctoPrint compatible to Prusa Research's Marlin derivatives just as it is not my job to keep OctoPrint compatible to any other printer vendor's firmware derivatives. We have an established communication protocol for the serial interface between hosts and printers. THAT is what I have to be compatible to, everything else I do my best to find the greatest common divisor for, so that implementing one feature for one derivative doesn't break stuff for everyone else. And if one vendor decides to go out of their way to do things differently, well, that is their decision. Protocol extensions are of course always an option, but that's something that needs to be documented and also needs to be discussed so it doesn't break stuff for everyone else.

So, to sum things up here - no, as always there has not been any kind of communication here (just as there wasn't any for other developments in the past that then cost me an arm and leg in user support overhead). That is not my decision, that is Prusa Research's decision. My job is to keep OctoPrint working and keep improving it for hundreds of thousands of users out there, and only a fraction of those have a MK4 or another Prusa printer to begin with. Things work flawlessly for people who do not have a MK4, so whatever the issue is here, it very much sounds like it's a firmware issue specific to the MK4 firmware flavour. As always, I'm happy to assist the firmware devs in figuring out what's wrong if I get tagged in a public ticket somewhere (THAT is something I consider part of my job, within sensible limits), and if something more in depth is needed I'm also open to contracting work upon request, but that's all I can offer given my responsibilities towards ALL of OctoPrint's user base here.

HI is there somewhere to report my bug with mk3 that would be better for you to make it easier to workout 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 12/07/2023 12:37 am
PAUL HODARA i shorton polubić
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Has anyone using octoprint been able to get it to it to see the files on the USB thumb drive plugged into the printer? I've clicked “initialize sd" unplugged, replugged, etc. I can't print from the USB using octoprint at all. Is this a known issue or do I need to do more troubleshooting? 

Opublikowany : 13/07/2023 1:27 pm
Walter Layher
Prominent Member

OctoPrint cannot see the USB stick in the MK4. This is the state of things for now(?).

Opublikowany : 13/07/2023 1:31 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Okay, thanks for confirming. I'm not optimistic for any real integration anytime soon, but fingers crossed.  There seems like enough interest on GitHub that they should make it a priority.  I wouldn't think it would be a hardware limitation of the new board.  I understand they still have to make input shaping and all the yet to be released features stable, but I hope this issue is at least on the roadmap and it doesn't get ignored forever like the Mini.

Posted by: @walter-layher

OctoPrint cannot see the USB stick in the MK4. This is the state of things for now(?).


Opublikowany : 13/07/2023 7:24 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I'm having the same problem with Octopod relaying the erroneous error message.  

Opublikowany : 15/07/2023 7:27 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Please Prusa, fix this or update. I have all my printers (mk3s+) with Octoprint.

Prusa connect is not enough at this moment to change.

Give us full Octoprint Support , or at least, fix the minimun ( filament change and on-screen info)


Opublikowany : 17/07/2023 8:18 pm
Richard Kramer
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


Having a high level of disability Octoprint allowed me for control with my MKs+ totally loved it with only help needing things taken off the print bed. The camera connectivity I could see it wherever I was to keep an eye on my current print job.

Even though I have whizbang superfast Internet, transferring from the computer to the printer is like back in the 80s transfer speeds. Which is ridiculous for a company to impose on their customers.

Like myself many upgraded to the MK4 ready just to plug and play their new printer into their Pi's and continue on, guess what no not going to happen.

When I spoke to tech support they just kept pushing both of their new alternatives, you can't even plug a WebCam into it you need to be lucky enough to have an old phone or tablet not in use.

Totally took my independence away how I was before

Opublikowany : 17/07/2023 9:07 pm
Trusted Member

Even if it is not a problem of Octoprint...... if prusa does not give its arm to twist, is there a possibility to make some plugin / interpreter for Octoprint to make mk4 work (at least filament change + runout detection) ?

Opublikowany : 17/07/2023 11:21 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Simply adding my voice into the choir for the need for Octoprint compatability.

Come on Prusa, the whole idea here was that it was a build your own printer, but this is the line where you are starting to wall off the garden?


I am a mk 3+ user right now. Really looking to upgrade and stay in that Prusa system with an upgrade kit to a Mk4, but lack of Octoprint support is a big negative here.

Lets keep this as the number one post on this forum

Opublikowany : 18/07/2023 3:04 am
Idus i 3Designable polubić
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint


Posted by: @goyetus

Even if it is not a problem of Octoprint...... if prusa does not give its arm to twist, is there a possibility to make some plugin / interpreter for Octoprint to make mk4 work (at least filament change + runout detection) ?

NO.  The MK4 firmware is not reporting filament status to a serial host, nor does it provide any way for a serial host to request that status.  There is simply no way for Octoprint (or any other serial host, or their plugins) to obtain that status from the current firmware. That cannot be “worked around”.  

This is a pretty standard Marlin feature that was present in Mk3 firmwares, and Prusa needs to get it working in the Mk4 firmware. 

Opublikowany : 18/07/2023 3:36 am
PeterT, Idus, Shushuda i 1 ludzie polubili
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I was considering ordering a MK4 (running MK3s today) since I want to expand - but if it does not work with Octoprint I will have to look for alternatives (and sure - wait and see if something develops). Part from the fact that octoprint gives me a nice cam setup with lapse and such, I use Octoprint to turn off/on lights with regards to prints, have physical buttons connected that I can press to have things done etc. So without octoprint - I loose most of my comfort-functions I have come to use and love.

Truly hope that Prusa sees that letting Octoprint continue to have the functions it has had is really the "open way to go" - or it becomes just another proparitrary solution by a company wanting to bind everyone to their solution.

Good luck everyone!

Bought my first (used) MK2 in december 2017... and still learning...

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 9:14 am
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Im having issues with their filament sensor on both my Mk4s and random "axis errors" whereas the selftests don't detect issues at all...

All seems as rushed as it actually is 🙁

Opublikowany : 28/07/2023 9:22 am
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

+1 for Octoprint compatibility please.

Opublikowany : 01/08/2023 9:05 pm
Eminent Member

My MK4 was overdue to ship.  And on FB groups, I saw early adopter issues starting to show up.  For Octoprint, I was watching the github Octoprint issue closely ( , etc.) but all I was seeing there were "+1" after "+1"'s.  No acknowledgement from Prusa except basically this is not a priority at all back on June 10/23. 

So, because of my love of Octoprint and the perceived total lack of support or attention to the incompatibility with the MK4, I cancelled my order.  There may be some upgrade in changing from MK3S to a MK4 but it's also coming with some downgrades, a big one being the Octoprint issue.  It is not worth almost a grand landed cost to me, to make a lateral move.   I'll watch and if they get this sorted, I'll consider getting back in queue.  Meanwhile I'll go back to the plan of a Revo upgrade and looking for, or building a bigger printer, which is what I'd really like to get.

This post was modified 1 year temu by shorton
Opublikowany : 01/08/2023 11:22 pm
millerjr polubić
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

For clarity, in case new readers come to this thread.

Octoprint DOES run on MK4 it's just missing some features that was on MK3. Some of these posts make it sound like octoprint is completely non-functional. That's not the case. But I'm with you guys on wanting the missing features addressed. 

Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 11:45 am
MysticGringo i PeterT polubić
Tom De Winter
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

With everything that Prusa is dealing with at the moment why would they make Octoprint a priority?

Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 12:48 pm
Andrew McDonald
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

Because not supporting Octoprint presents a major downgrade from the MK3 to the MK4 in some aspects

Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 1:49 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint
Posted by: @tom-de-winter

With everything that Prusa is dealing with at the moment why would they make Octoprint a priority?

It would actually buy them time.

The fix for USB printing is likely pretty easy. Meanwhile, PrusaLink is likely a year or more away from being a solid product. Today, with PrusaLink, you can't even create folders, log in on Apple devices, or control the printer (temp and axes), much less many of the advanced things OctoPrint offers. PrusaConnect is also quite immature. Both are marked as beta.

Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 2:32 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

I have 5 Prusas including the new MK4 , all using Octoprint...I really hate to say this , but if they can't  / won't resolve the issues,  its going to be a deal breaker for me in the future.  It was working on the MK3 and even the mini, why remove such functionality on the MK4? And at the cost of the XL and not having this functionality, I'm just waiting to see what larger form factor Bambu will come out with and will probably consider that...

Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 2:35 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa MK4 & Octoprint

They are not going to fix it......   in github,  there are some since 2020 with the Mini board.    

It´s a shame.   The Mk4 is the only printer I cant use with octoprint  due to "runout sensor"  not working if I run out filament..........  all becouse Prusa dont want to send the Marlin parameters when runout happens.........  It´s not a feature,  it´s  the lack of implementation. 

Im not going to purchase more mk4 since this situation continues,  as well as other people in github claiming for the same. 


Opublikowany : 02/08/2023 3:06 pm
Strona 11 / 18