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ESP32 Cam Support  

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Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

I'm not sure, if is good idea connecting camera to display wire. Camera have maximum current consumption in the peak 2A, and the camera can disrupt data communication between the MCU board and the display via WiFi signal.

Posted by: @jerzeek

I made this:


It is for the Prusa Mini, But I am looking into ways to develop it for the MK4, but I don't have an MK4.

Let me know if you want one, or if I should document it somewhere


Respondido : 10/02/2024 4:17 pm
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Here is my holder for the camera


Respondido : 10/02/2024 4:18 pm
Eminent Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

I made a connector that goes in between the USB drive and the USB connector of the mini

Respondido : 12/02/2024 9:24 pm
Eminent Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

I know, but so far it has been working great!

I did add a 15 second delay on the ESP32 CAM boot, so the printer is already up and running


Respondido : 12/02/2024 9:26 pm
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Hey johnyHV,

Many thanks for you excellent work.

Erm, having a little problem with getting the image to appear on Prusa Connect.

Camera is working fine, the image shows on the web interface.

Entered the token from Prusa Connect and the camera is registered, but it always shows "The snapshot is not available".

I noticed from jerzeek's video, that he's using Prusa Connect Beta. Could this be the cause? Beta is not yet available for the Mk4.

Many thanks,


Respondido : 24/02/2024 2:08 pm
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

I too am struggling... I'm very close as Adam said above... I believe it has something to do with the Certificate / text editor / source code.  On Github you have  GitHub - johnyHV/PrusaConnect_ESP32-CAM    .... noted "Now we can open the certificate in a text editor and save it in the source code"   But I am not sure what this means or what to do ... and I suspect this is what is keeping the camera from connecting.  I believe when I'm compiling with the Arduino IDE software, it is using a generic form of the Certificate.h file.   However, when I copy/paste the text from the Certificate that I obtained by the instructions on Github, I end up with errors in Arduino IDE software.  So I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong.   This is where some additional screen shots/steps would be completely awesome and greatly appreciated.   Please help because your work is such a blessing compared to an old iPhone running all the time.     THANK YOU for your help 

Respondido : 25/02/2024 6:14 am
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Hi EastCoastJoe, thanks for your post. Glad to know I'm not alone.

I compared the certificate file with the one I exported, they are the same.

On a whim, I tried MS Edge. It works! So this is something to do with Chrome set-up.

Hope that helps!


Respondido : 25/02/2024 8:52 am
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

When I read your post, I was excited for a moment... but then I looked down at my laptop to see that I'm using MS Edge  ;( 

So I raced to my Chrome browser hoping that maybe the opposite would work for me, but, it didn't.   Can you explain to me what you did with the Certificate that you obtained from the 'lock' directions of the  https://webcam.connect.prusa3d.com/    ?      Below is the screen shot of where I was highlighted and then clicked "Export".

If I've highlighted the correct spot to capture the Certificate.... and hit Export ... and received the file named  "ISRG Root X1 .crt"   ... what do I do with it's contents?


Many, many thanks... this has been crazy to be so very close and yet not getting it to work...

Best Regards,


Respondido : 25/02/2024 2:34 pm
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

PS:  The Certificate that I got from the noted method above does not match the " Certificate.h " that is in the  " ESP32_PrusaConnectCam_web " folder.  In case that helps with your review and offering of suggestions/help to me.


Respondido : 25/02/2024 2:53 pm
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Hello, i'm interested by your work. Do you document this ? 

Respondido : 04/03/2024 6:45 pm
Trusted Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Just throwing it out there:

I did go through the process and set it up as described. All which was needed in the end was adding the WFI SSID, PWD and the token - and voila!

Many thanks for this effort!

Respondido : 22/03/2024 10:50 pm
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

What solution are you use ? 

Respondido : 23/03/2024 12:30 am
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Is anyone has any idea how to send a video stream and not a single pictures each 10s with EPS32 cam to Prusa Connect? ESP cam itself can do that, checked when using web server code from https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-cam-video-streaming-web-server-camera-home-assistant/.

Respondido : 23/03/2024 8:04 am
Active Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Several people have found that prusa connect doesn't update the photo even though the cam is running and updating its own page. I found a very simple cause for this. If you try the setup without your 3D printer connected it seems that Prusa Connect doesn't respond to the associated cameras other than to confirm that they are registered. I tried the cam several times before realising this. So make sure the Printer is on and connected to prusa connect before trying the camera. Hope this helps someone.

Respondido : 23/03/2024 2:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

I do not want to say thatr getting PrusaConnect to show a picture isn't worthwhile. I just want to mention that it's much easier to get your Prusa stuff integrated in Home Assistant than it is to get use out of PrusaConnect... OK, if you really need things like moving your extruder around, PrusaConnect is nice enough. If you just want to monitor your print, though...

Oh, and that camera widget shows a proper video stream. Not one picture every 10 seconds. Just sayin'.

My models on Printables
Respondido : 24/03/2024 11:09 am
Trusted Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Just in case if you do not have a case for the camera yet, I did create myself one which attaches via magnets to the 3D printer case, has some kind of cable management built in and uses also a ball-joint to allow pointing the camera,


Camera holder

In regards of using video instead of 10s pictures: I will definitely check out the suggested HomeAssistant! Looks interesting!

Respondido : 24/03/2024 11:49 pm
Estimable Member


Posted by: @johnyhv

This is my project. It's not great, but works. It's ESP32-CAM with connection to prusa connect




Thank you for your work. I have used your idea and software to design my own camera: https://www.printables.com/es/model/826080-esp32-camera-for-mk4-with-different-fixings-with-f

Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Respondido : 30/03/2024 7:00 pm
Reputable Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support


Posted by: @manelto


Posted by: @johnyhv

This is my project. It's not great, but works. It's ESP32-CAM with connection to prusa connect




Thank you for your work. I have used your idea and software to design my own camera: https://www.printables.com/es/model/826080-esp32-camera-for-mk4-with-different-fixings-with-f

How did you manage the power supply for the camera with usb under the Buddy board?

Respondido : 07/04/2024 6:20 pm
Estimable Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

with a new cover for the electrical connections that contains a DCDC converter from 12V-32V to 5v and a plate with a female USB


Sorry for my poor English. I try to do my best.

Respondido : 07/04/2024 7:31 pm
Rainer me gusta
Reputable Member
RE: ESP32 Cam Support

Good idea, didn't know there was a converter with USB.

Respondido : 07/04/2024 7:47 pm
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