XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?
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XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?  

New Member
XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?

Hello Prusers,
I am evaluating XY compensation on PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 just released stable update. It offers two options:
- XY Size compensation
- Elephant foot compensation

I feel that something's still missing.
I would be very pleased being able to control external compensation and internal compensation in two separate fields. Moreover a hole compensation would be very appreciated.

Is there any hope to see something like that in the near future ?

If I am missing something, please help me understanding.

Best regards

Postato : 11/01/2021 11:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?

Please have a read of https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/515 on github.  

Postato : 12/01/2021 10:08 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?


Hi Neophyl,
thanx for your link to the argument, that appears old like the universe 🙄 

I read the whole thread, but it seems that two opposite factions are still facing themselves to decree who is right and who is wrong.

On the basis of what discussed there, I started to think and do some practical reasoning about this matter. In the end, I arrived to a first conclusion that, whether expansion/reduction of the printed object is coherent, we dont't need multiple values to face it. Just one could be enough. With "coherence" I mean that all the object expands OR reduces (not somethere this and somewhere that...)

I will go more in deep with further tests and thinking. I will come back here to post in case I have any further confirmations or news.

Postato : 12/01/2021 2:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?


Personally I really like Super Slicer (I mentioned it in that thread).  It already has those extra settings plus loads more.  As its based on Prusa Slicer its familiar with those who are used to PS.

Unfortunately the stable version of Susie (Super Slicer) is still based on the 2.2.0 release of Prusa Slicer so doesn't have all the goodies from 2.3.0 as yet.  The later non stable versions were built against the PS 2.3.0 alphas so there's lots of bugs from those in and they aren't very useable in my opinion.

Merill is currently merging in the PS 2.3.0 code now its been fully released so I'd expect a new stable version sometime soon.

Postato : 12/01/2021 3:12 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XY compensation: isn't it quite incomplete ?

Frankly speaking, I am also very passionate about SuperMerril SuperSlicer. I was using SS for quite some time as I found it somehow more powerful than PS 2.2.0.

PS 2.3.0 introduced many new fine options and it pushed me to jump over the fence. I had to migrate printer profile and many print and material profiles. Not without some problems, because some values in some data fields has become incompatible from SS to PS 2.3.0.
I had to find them out and correct before migrating, otherwise PS 2.3.0 crashed.

Now PS 2.3.0 is up and running and I am testing it. I detected a few data fields still missing in PS compared to SS, but I really trust on SuperMerril to fill the gap in short.

As I said in previous post, I will give PS 2.3.0 a try, because some of the new features are really nice (painted support promise very good, for example) and it is quite faster than current SS.

My main concern is because I am currently following that line of thought that tells not to editi extruder flow, preferring to set up XY compensation in print slicing settings; I generally print tech parts and I need them to be strong and precise.

Postato : 12/01/2021 3:39 pm