Wing-slice and "interesting" artefacts
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Wing-slice and "interesting" artefacts  

Active Member
Wing-slice and "interesting" artefacts


i have created a wing for a RC-plane with Autodesk Fusion 360, and sliced it with the actual Prusa-Slicer in version 2.1.1 running on my Linux-machine.

The printout works well, the wings are very strong and are useful for my planned rc-model, but they have an interesting code on the outside. The rectangular patterns are my ribs that are created inside the wings, but these lines and dots, i can't find a reason for these things or a setting in prusa slicer to delete them. Looks like a code for a SciFi-Plane... 🙂

My printer uses Klipper as firmware running on a Raspberry Pi Model 3B.

Any hints?

Thanks a lot for your anwers.

Opublikowany : 26/12/2019 9:51 am