Variable layer smoothing for macOS trackpad
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Variable layer smoothing for macOS trackpad  

Garth Snyder
Active Member
Variable layer smoothing for macOS trackpad

I've been playing with variable layers in 2.1, and I'm really very impressed! It's easy to use and seems to give very good results.

One thing I haven't been able to figure out: how do you access the "smooth the layer height" operation with a trackpad on macOS? The popup instructions assume you're using a mouse, but all the other ops seem to map pretty directly to the trackpad.

Shift-RightMouse is supposed to do smoothing, but that works the same as RightMouse drag (that is, two-finger drag on the trackpad) for me (it grows or shrinks the adjustment window).

For anyone else with a trackpad, here's how things are working on my system: Two-finger drag grows or shrinks the adjustment window. Three-finger drag adds detail. Shift-three-finger drag removes detail; if you want to coarsen beyond the nominal layer height for the print, use Control-three-finger drag.


Opublikowany : 13/10/2019 10:54 pm