use of bed_temperature[0] macro
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use of bed_temperature[0] macro  

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use of bed_temperature[0] macro

I run to the issue with macro bed_temperature[0] and I am not sure if I misunderstood and I am doing something wrong, or if there is actually bug. And if I misunderstood, then how to do what I want. 

Ok, so long story short, I want to insert certain line for when bed temperature is set in range from a-to-b and different line for temperature set in range from b-to-c. Simple if/else conditions, nothing special. But my printer has two extruders and for simplicity I often use configuration that one extruder has one material (PLA) and the other has other (ABS). This way I can quickly transition from printing parts in PLA to printing in ABS without spool loading and unloading. Instead I just tell slicer if I want to print from one extruder or the other. 

But here comes trouble. When I am printing with default (first, T0) extruder, macro logic works great. But when I print from second extruder (T1), macro still gets solved according to filament in default (first) extruder, even though bed has been heated to second filament temperature with M190.

Is this correct behaviour or is it a bug? It seems to me as a bug, because slicer knows which filament should be used (it uses correct M190 before my macro code). But on the other hand, maybe creators of PS simply did not expect my kind of lazines and did not thought about possibility of printing from different extruder with different temperature?

Postato : 07/09/2022 9:00 am