Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Good afternoon colleagues,
I have searched throughout this forum for a similar problem but unsucessfully. I have a new i3 MK3S printer and just have downloaded the latest SW Prusa Slicer 2.4.2.
I've tried to import STL files that comes either from Thingiverse or my own STL's converted in Catia V5_6 2020 R30 Release. In both cases, I keep getting the same error message: "PrusaSlicer has encountered an error. Loading of a model file failed." Files are enlisted below.
Got any suggestion how to solve that?
( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4578256/files)
( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4669733/files)
Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance!
The first of those files has some errors but it should load ok 'though it may be hard to get a satisfactory slice...
The second is OK but for the cleanest print rotate it through 90 degrees and print it with the narrow end downwards.
I don't have Windows so it's hard to guess where your issue is, I would first check your file permissions.
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
I get 404 on both of those links.
Yeah.. the first file loads fine on PrusaSlicer on my mac with English language install.. but it threw a warning that the file was in meters and asked to convert to mm. I said YES and it loaded fine. Maybe rename the STL file.. there might be some characters in the filename that Windows doesn't like. There should be no problem, so sounds like some type of system configuration issue. Know any locals using PrusaSlicer?
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
You are right, I made a mistake in the links - there is extra bracket ")", sorry for that. But honestly I do not believe, that so many files are corrupted.
My file exported from CATIA Wooden_rail_track_connector_VERSION_3_20210219_V02
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4578256 , https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:158622
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4669733 , https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:189867
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
My experience with Thingiverse is that some users' files tend to be notoriously corrupt. Some (not all) are easily fixable or usable as is.
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Despite the metric conversion those all load and work in my PrusaSlicer. I saved them all in one 3mf-file and attached below. Check if that works for you.
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RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Yeah, I am having this problem too. I have not figured out why this is occurring but the STL I am having a problem with opened fine on earlier versions of PrusaSlicer.
Despite the metric conversion those all load and work in my PrusaSlicer. I saved them all in one 3mf-file and attached below. Check if that works for you.
You are running 2.4.1. The OP is using 2.4.2
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Right. Just updated, works as well...
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Yeah, I think the problem has something to do with iCloud on the mac. I noticed that the file I am attempting to open has a ".icloud" extension (you can only see this by using terminal ... finder hides the extension). So, the file isn't actually on the disk, rather, it's a placeholder for the file. I have not figured out how to force iCloud to sync this file.
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Normally Finder should download those files from iCloud automatically when you double click them. If it does not, try deactivating the "optimize Mac storage" option in your iCloud settings and wait some minutes for the files to finish sync....
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
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RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
Indeed, that is what I thought. I read somewhere that when the file has not been downloaded, the OS notifies the app when it tries to open the file and the app is supposed to request the file be downloaded. I don't think PrusaSlicer is doing this (there is a GitHub issue where someone encountered the same issue with Dropbox).
Otherwise, I cannot seem to find any information about how to manually force the file to sync. When I right click the file in finder, I do not have a download option. When I manually inspect the directory using the command line, I can see the ".icloud" extension on the file which tells me the file is not synced:
drwxr-xr-x@ 6 stevenslupsky staff 192 21 May 10:10 . drwxr-xr-x@ 8 stevenslupsky staff 256 21 May 09:24 .. -rw-r--r--@ 1 stevenslupsky staff 6148 21 May 09:59 .DS_Store -rw-r--r--@ 1 stevenslupsky staff 169 6 Jun 2021 .Pegboard_Spacer.3mf.icloud -rw-r--r--@ 1 stevenslupsky staff 171 10 May 2018 .Pegboard_Spacer.stl.icloud -rw-r--r--@ 1 stevenslupsky staff 195 6 Jun 2021 .Pegboard_Spacer_0.2mm_PETG_MK3S_1h54m.gcode.icloud
RE: Unable to import any STL file to Prusa Slicer
So, I was able to resolve the issue for these particular files by booting into safe mode. I am not sure exactly what has to happen but when I attempted to view the stl file with Xcode, I noticed that triggered an iCloud sync. When I opened a terminal session and looked at the file names they are all correct now (and the file sizes are correct as well). I rebooted and the stl now opens in PrusaSlicer.
The unfortunate circumstance is that I did not open the terminal and look at the directory before the iCloud sync occurred. So, I do not know for certain what caused the sync. Was it because of the safe boot (and it just took a while) or was it because I attempted to open a file on the iCloud drive that then triggered the sync. It's not clear to me what exactly caused the sync to happen.