Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?
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Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?  

Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?

I'm new to PrusaSlicer, so maybe I'm just missing something obvious. In Fusion 360's "Save as mesh" feature, rather than export to a STL file on disk, it can export directly to a slicer application. This works, and the object appears in the Plater. If I later go back and make minor changes to the F360 design, and re-export the object, it appears as another, new object in Plater. But if I had made changes in Plater (Place on Face, Cut etc.) those apply only to the original version of the object.

When exporting from Fusion 360 to Simplify3D, it is able to recognize when an object is being *re*imported over itself. Sometimes the new version automatically replaces the old, sometimes the application asks for permission to replace, especially if there are multiple objects in the printing space. Either way, all my object changes within Simplify3D are reapplied to the re-imported version.

Is there similar functionality in PrusaSlicer?

Thanks in advance.

This topic was modified 2 weeks ago by Roger
Posted : 26/01/2025 3:42 am
Prominent Member
RE: Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?

Save file from Fusion to specific location, let say project directory.

Create new project in PrusaSlicer.

Import the exported file from Fusion from the project directory.

Edit file in Fusion, save it again in the same location (overwrite).

In PrusaSlicer in the list to the right select the model, right mouse click on it and in the menu choose 'Reload from disk'.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 26/01/2025 3:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?

While the reload from disk will work for some things its is very limited.  It will not work with a lot of the PS option. 
For example painting an object for anything.  Reloading resets any painting done to an object.  Similarly you can't use cut and expect it to be applied still. 

Place on face will carry over, however depending on how you have altered the objects geometry it may no longer be on a face at all.  As will scale.  And of course any modifiers you have placed will still be there and apply to the 'new' or reloaded object.

Posted : 26/01/2025 5:34 pm
Famed Member
RE: Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?

The short answer is no, you can't directly export from Fusion and overwrite a model alredy in place. Export to file and Reload as suggested by Kazpir is the closest, but good luck if you have made any changes or modifications in PS to the original model.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/01/2025 7:48 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Reimport mesh from Fusion 360 / reapply Plater changes?

Thanks, all. I'll try the export-to-disk method. It's an extra step, but if it saves me some steps in PS it might be worth it.

Posted : 26/01/2025 7:53 pm