Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?
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Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?  

New Member
Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?

Couldn't find a search function here so might not have exhaustively searched archives.

I have a part with multiple manually added support enforcers.  Even when there is some separation between the enforced areas, in some cases the support is merging into a large support structure that is difficult to remove.  I'm wondering if/how I can control how much broadening occurs around the support enforced area so I can prevent some of the support merging.

I am presently using PrusaSlicer 2.1.0.

Postato : 01/10/2019 6:45 pm
Active Member
RE: Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?

I am not sure if what you describe is the same issue I'm facing, but if yes, I'd like a solution too!

I printed a part with the option to generate support - just added a checkmark in the box.

When printing, I get the regular zig-zag for support between the bed and the bottom part of a suspended portion of my model (if all that makes sense).  The issue is that between the support and the bottom part, I also get an additional thick layer that is really hard to remove.  It is not as dense as the actual printed part, but still denser than the support.

I'd really like to know how I can avoid this as the part is soooooooooo loooooooonnnnnnnngggggg to clean! :s


BTW - using PS 2.2.1

Postato : 15/01/2020 3:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?


You aren't talking about the same issue as Joel.  The bits you mention will probably be the interface layers.  You need to be in advanced mode or expert mode to see those options.  Either that or you interface loops enabled and it could be those.  You can set interface layers to 0 but its far more likely that the difficultly in removing is that the distance setting is too close.  The default that it uses of contact z distance =0.1 is too close.  For a 0.2 layer height 0.2 is much better and results in much easier to remove support. 

Joel the growth of the supports exceeding the bounds of the support enforcer(s) has been raised over at github already but at the moment there's no way to control it beyond reducing the size of the enforcer and slicing to see the results through trial end error.  Its a bit of a pain in the rear.  Hopefully it will get looked at soon. 

One thing you could try is the x/y separation between object and support but personally I've not noticed it making a difference.

Postato : 15/01/2020 4:23 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?


Good to know.  Thank you for the suggestion and the reference to github.

Postato : 21/01/2020 11:23 pm
Active Member
RE: Tips for preventing merging of adjacent support enforcers?


Thanks for the tips.

I'll try and report back - might take a while though...pretty busy lately.



Postato : 23/01/2020 12:31 am